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Welcome, Class of 2027. The Future of Pharmacy is Here.

3 minute read

by Jordan Kellerman | September 26, 2023

So. Much. Potential.

Each year, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences assembles photos of its incoming class. The composite, a time-honored tradition to capture the class exactly as they are on their first day of pharmacy school. Each face brings with it ambition, courage, curiosity, and a rich lived experience.

The composite for the class of 2027 is different from any before. Ninety-six faces. Ninety-six opportunities to create a world where healthcare is accessible for all.

This class self-identifies as 47% White, 19% Asian, 19% Hispanic, 8% Hispanic, and 7% Black; there are 70 self-identified females and 27 self-identified males; they range in age from 19 to 53; they are from 14 states and three countries (including India and Vietnam); they speak 19 different languages; they are 29% first-generation students and arrived to CU Pharmacy with 180,880 hours of pharmacy experience.

They are the future of pharmacy.

2 Emily Zadvorny keynote
Dr. Emily Zadvorny gives the keynote address at the annual White Coat ceremony.
Class oath 2027-1
The Class of 2027 recites the Oath of the Pharmacist.
2 Class location
The Class of 2027 is from 14 states and three countries, including India and Vietnam.
2 Class languages
The Class of 2027 speaks  a combined 19 different languages.
2 Pharmacy experience
The Class of 2027 arrived to CU Pharmacy with 180.880 hours of pharmacy experience

They are real people, not numbers. They have diverse interests. In the group of 96, we have a newlywed, a world-traveler, a contortionist, a few NCAA athletes who are going pro in pharmacy, a Chic-fil-a fanatic, and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (among other things).

The White Coat – another time-honored tradition of pharmacy school – gave the Anschutz Medical Campus a first look at this extraordinary group. As the Class of 2027 gathered to receive their white coats, Dr. Emily Zadvorny, Executive Director/COO of the Colorado Pharmacists Society, gave the keynote address, and some advice.

She challenged the class to do it all. Take advantage of professional relationships, clubs, internships, and affiliations.

“Soak yourself in all of it,” Dr. Zadvorny said. “Some of the most intangible benefits will come from experiences outside of the classroom.”

“You may be used to being a student,” she continued, “now you will be a professional. And that starts today! It truly is a fundamental shift and responsibility. You will now be looked at differently by patients, family, friends, everyone. You are now expected to be knowledgeable, helpful, trusted, and safe.”

And about that white coat? About their new responsibility? About the future of pharmacy?

“When you feel the fit of your white coat on your shoulders,” Dr. Zadvorny said, “and recite your oath, I hope you feel most of all, welcome. Welcome to your new professional home and family, and the exciting beginnings of your professional identity. We all must remember we are in this together and for our patients.”

Welcome, Class of 2027. The future of pharmacy starts now, because you are here.

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