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The Green Roof at AHWC: A Hidden Campus Gem, Reimagined

minute read

Nestled just outside the third floor of the CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (AHWC) lies a hidden gem that adds a special touch to our campus environment—The Green Roof at AHWC. This rooftop garden and patio seating area offer a serene setting, perfect for various events and activities, making it a unique departure from typical campus spaces.

The Green Roof at AHWC features a terrace space enveloped by expansive green plantings, including a garden with native Colorado plants and flowers. Visitors are treated to impressive views of the Front Range to the west, offering amazing sunsets for evening occasions.

Managed by Green Roofs of Colorado, The Green Roof at AHWC not only enhances the aesthetics of our campus but also serves as a versatile venue and food production space. Green Roofs of Colorado was the initial installer of the gardens in 2012. Green roof expert and owner, Andy Creath and gardeners Brian Adams and Eliana Dzhikova have brought an array of fresh ideas for the space, along with an intensive planting approach and organic practices to maximize our food production. The Green Roof at AHWC also hosts a variety of special events, including rooftop yoga sessions and fitness gatherings, campus meetings, well-being retreats, and several other occasions, fostering wellness in a one-of-a-kind location. 

Kristy Truesdale of AHWC, who reimagined the space and is leading the charge to make the space more accessible to our campus community says, “The Green Roof at AHWC serves a vital role within the center by aligning with our community mission, promoting wellness, and offering a venue for diverse events. It caters to individuals seeking quiet contemplation and accommodates gatherings of over two hundred people, all within a setting rich with natural beauty.”

DSC_3204One standout initiative is the upcoming Lunch Lessons on The Green Roof at AHWC: Seed Starts, Transplants, and Growing Veggies in Your Home Garden on Tuesday, June 25th, from 12 -1 p.m. Free for the first 36 people who sign up, this event marks the launch of an improved vegetable garden initiative. The garden will provide fresh produce for groups on campus such as the Community Nutrition Programs, CU Anschutz Food Pantry, DAWN Clinic, and Aurora Wellness Community. The campus compost program, in collaboration with WOMPOST, a local woman-owned composting organization, is also underway, aiming to further sustainable practices.

Another initiative in the works is a citizen science-based project through iNaturalist.org where images of the biodiversity on the green roof will be collected and continue to grow with time. iNaturalist.org is a web-based platform where people can share observations of plants, animals, and other organisms. “Users will be able to upload photos and detailed descriptions of their sightings,” says Kristy. “The information is then crowd-sourced for identification by the iNaturalist community or through automated AI tools."

Enhancements will include a small water feature, a bird feeder, and a deck box stocked with games for community use. Valentina Dean, the Building Coordinator for AHWC and who contributed the ideas says she wanted to bring an element of fun and engagement to the rooftop space. Her vision was to transform The Green Roof at AHWC into a community hub where people can connect with nature and each other.

The Green Roof at AHWC offers additional learning and participation opportunities currently in development. Campus constituents can reserve the space for a fee through EMS, ensuring exclusive access for events and gatherings. Outside of private events and gatherings, the campus community can use it as a public space, shared with others at no charge.

Join us for Lunch Lessons on The Green Roof at AHWC: Seed Starts, Transplants and Growing Veggies in Your Home Gardens
June 25, 2024 | 12 -1 p.m. on The Green Roof at AHWC
Cost: Complimentary, sponsored by the CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (limit 36 people)

Our garden guides, Brian and Eliana from GreenReap LLC will take us through the process of starting seeds and transplanting those gems to your garden. We will review the challenges of our local weather and the monetary benefits of growing our own food - both positive and negative. Brian and Eliana will also provide a quick discussion on how to design an edible landscape on a property with limited space, as well as the mental and physical health benefits we can find in our garden adventures. We will be outdoors, so please dress for the weather. Feel free to bring your lunch along. 

Sign Up to Attend

Questions about this event? Contact kristy.truesdale@cuanschutz.edu

For questions about reserving or visiting The Green Roof at AHWC, contact valentina.dean@cuanschutz.edu