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CU Anschutz In The News

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Why Does My Sneeze Smell Bad? An Expert Explains

news outletMic
Publish DateMay 07, 2020

Sneezing allows your nose or airway to get rid of an irritant, like smoke or dust, says Vijay Ramakrishnan, who is a professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Usually, it’s a sign of irritation, not infection. “The nose is basically the initial filter that separates your lungs and respiratory system from the environment,” he explains, trapping pollutants and irritants from the air.

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How Coronavirus Antibody Tests Could Help us Return to "Normal" Life

news outletMic
Publish DateApril 15, 2020

IgM “is the initial attack force,” Kyle Annen, professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine on the Anschutz Medical Campus, tells Mic. Using a blood sample, an antibody test for the novel coronavirus would “essentially identify whether a person that has been infected… has in fact made those antibodies,” Annen says.

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