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CU Anschutz In The News

By Media Outlet

Outfront Magazine

Outfront Magazine

Next 50 is taking care of our elders

news outletOutfront Magazine
Publish DateJune 20, 2019

“I’m particularly interested in helping LGBTQ individuals, and particularly the older population, just given the disparities they face,” said Carey Candrian, PhD, co-director of the Next 50 Initiative with Dr. Hillary Lum of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. “Older LGBTQ individuals are more likely to go back into the closet, and many are living in poverty and less likely to have kids, be married, or have caregivers. They are more likely to live alone and be lonely.” The Next 50 Initiative is a grant initiative that helps with advanced care planning for LGBTQ and other hi-risk elders. The Denver Hospice and the CU School of Medicine are working together under this umbrella to try and make sure queer elders have the help they need.

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