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American Diets Improve, But Remain Poor for Many, Tufts Study Says

news outletUPI
Publish DateJune 21, 2024

"I hope the results of this excellent study shine a bright light that we need to change our policies in the U.S.," said Bonnie Jortberg, a registered dietitian and associate professor of family medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colo. She was not involved in the new study.

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Venus figurines offered a model for surviving climate change, new theory says

news outletUPI
Publish DateDecember 03, 2020

"Some of the earliest art in the world are these mysterious figurines of overweight women from the time of hunter gatherers in Ice Age Europe where you would not expect to see obesity at all," lead study author Richard Johnson said in a news release. "We show that these figurines correlate to times of extreme nutritional stress," said Johnson, a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

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HPV vaccine benefits women who don’t get it, study says

news outletUPI
Publish DateJanuary 22, 2019

"This shows that the vaccine is living up to its promise," said Dr. Amanda Dempsey, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She wrote an editorial published with the study in the Jan. 22 issue of Pediatrics. Dempsey pointed out that all of the patients in the study were considered high-risk for HPV infection: Most had had multiple sex partners in their lives, for example, and more than half had a history of other sexually transmitted infections. "The overarching message is, this vaccine works great in the 'real world,'" Dempsey said. "And that's true even if you're already sexually active and have had sexually transmitted infections."

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Common genetic link found in lung conditions, study finds

news outletUPI
Publish DateOctober 22, 2018

"By uncovering this link in the genetic background between these conditions, we now know that rheumatoid arthritis associated-interstitial lung disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis have similar causes and may prove to have similar treatments," first author Dr. Joyce Lee, associate professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, said in a press release.

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