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CU Anschutz In The News

By Media Outlet

Voice of America

Voice of America

Study: Opioid prescriptions for pets surge, mirroring human crisis

news outletVoice of America
Publish DateFebruary 08, 2019

It's not clear if the increase in prescriptions in Pennsylvania might be due to an increased push to better manage pain for animals and pets, said Dr. Lee Newman, a researcher at the Colorado School of Public Health in Aurora, or if it is due to the growing number of people with substance abuse problems trying to get medications from veterinarians, or both. "It's speculation on my part, but it could be that when a human patient stops getting opioid prescriptions from their doctor that they next turn to the veterinarian to try to get drugs," Newman, who wasn't involved in the study, said by email.

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Voice of America

Professor offers students higher grade for more sleep

news outletVoice of America
Publish DateJanuary 17, 2019

Daniel Bessesen, as associate director of the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center at the University of Colorado, researches sleep. He says Scullin's study supports the idea that sleep helps academic performance while students who cram — or stay up the night before the test trying to memorize the material — are likely worse off. Scullin and Bessesen offer some advice on how to get more sleep each night:Parents, try to get enough sleep to role model good habits to children. Bessesen notes that some medical school programs require student doctors to sleep more to prevent accidents. Avoid looking at electronics before you fall asleep. Don't consume caffeinated drinks less than six hours before you go to sleep. Try to go to sleep at the same time every night.

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