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Can NAD+ Supplements Fend Off Aging, Cancer and More?

An oncologist breaks down the newest health craze claims about this vital molecule and offers science-based advice

by Laura Kelley | February 13, 2025
A single vial of NAD+

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a supplement buzzword in many social media feeds, is being touted by some entertainers as a miracle molecule that can do everything from combating aging to preventing cancer. While the molecule itself is vital to wellness and longevity, NAD+ supplements – whether delivered by capsule, injection or IV infusion – may not live up to their claims.

Below, Laura Kelley, media relations professional in the CU Anschutz Office of Communications, asks Sapna Patel, MD, the Dr. William Robinson Endowed Chair in Cancer Research, professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and leader of the Cutaneous Oncology Program, what NAD+ is and whether it should be used as a supplement.

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NAD+ seems to be the latest supplement of the moment. What exactly is it and what makes it important to our health?

It’s a molecule found in every part of your body that plays a role in energy production and helps repair cellular damage. As we get older NAD+ levels drop, which can impact your energy levels and your health.

Can supplementing NAD+ help prevent melanoma or slow its progression?

There is currently no data to support this. But related, sunburns induce a lot of DNA damage and use up your NAD+ reserve because it activates internal repair mechanisms and starts depleting NAD+ at a higher rate. That’s why it’s important to use sun protection, especially here in Colorado where we are so much closer to the sun regardless of the season.

Claims are being made that supplementing NAD+ can help combat aging, protect people from skin cancer, provide more energy and even help in DNA repair. Is there any truth to these claims? How important is getting more NAD+ as we age?

The body depletes more NAD+ as we age and requires more NAD+ for repair of increasing damage. You can induce natural NAD+ production by increasing exercise and keeping a lean body weight. There is no medical evidence that supports supplementing NAD+.

If someone is taking a NAD+ supplement, how can they tell how much is needed to be beneficial and whether it’s helping or hurting their body?

They are likely doing harm if they are not addressing NAD+ recycling. Think of your body like a car engine. To keep the engine running smoothly, it needs fuel (in this case, NAD+). However, the engine also needs other things to work properly – such as oil and spark plugs. These parts represent other important molecules and processes in your body, such as methylation and the system that recycles NAD+ (called the salvage pathway).

If you just keep pouring more and more fuel (NAD+) into the car (your body), it may initially seem like you’re making the engine run better, but if you don't pay attention to the oil and spark plugs (other necessary systems), the car might start having problems. So, just loading up on NAD+ without considering how it impacts the rest of the body isn’t a good idea because your body may start getting rid of other important molecules that are meant to help replenish NAD+.

Is there anything you would like to add about NAD+?

Do not supplement NAD+. To increase your levels, lift weights, lift HEAVY weights. Also, increase protein in your diet to account for muscle composition and muscle protein synthesis – the process that helps your body build muscle by increasing your weight load. This will help with inflammation, body composition and can increase NAD+ naturally.


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Sapna Patel, MD