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Recent Medical & Health Science News Stories | Patient Care

Research    Innovation    Patient Care    Artificial Intelligence (AI)    Climate Health    Basic Sciences Shared

AB Nexus Announces New Grant Awards With a Focus on Research Collaborations Related to AI and Climate Change

Today, the AB Nexus program announced its 2024 seed grant awards to interdisciplinary research teams from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and the University of Colorado Boulder. Collectively, the seven winning teams will receive $713,000 in funding to advance cutting-edge research that improves human health and well-being. 

Author Megan Lane | Publish Date July 22, 2024
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Research    Patient Care   

Study Reveals Secrets of Energy Metabolism, Promising Better Blood Transfusions

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have uncovered insights into how red blood cells function and survive during storage – discoveries that could lead to better outcomes for patients receiving blood transfusions.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date July 15, 2024
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Patient Care    Mental Health    Pediatrics

Multiple Efforts Target Youth Suicide Crisis

Learning that eight out of 10 youth who take their own lives had seen a healthcare provider within months of their deaths only added fuel to an already burning fire for Bruno Anthony, PhD.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date July 15, 2024
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

What Is Chronic Loneliness and How Can I Overcome It?

Do you ever feel alone in a crowded room? The question is a lyric from a band called Jack’s Mannequin that Emily Hemendinger, MPH, LCSW, said provides her with a great lead-in for discussing chronic loneliness with patients.

“It’s a feeling of never fitting in, of always being on the outside,” said Hemendinger, assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and clinical director of the OCD Program. “And anyone at any point in their life can feel lonely, if they don’t feel like they have meaningful and deep relationships.”

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date July 08, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Neuroscience    rare disease   

CU Anschutz Receives $2 Million From the Céline Dion Foundation to Advance Autoimmune Neurologic Disorders Research

The need for more research into a rare disease that halted the career of Céline Dion is a main thread in a new documentary about the music superstar’s painful journey, which, thanks largely to the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and a new philanthropic gift, has taken a turn toward “a very bright future.”

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date June 18, 2024
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Patient Care    Dental Medicine   

Why Are 'Veneer Technicians' Dangerous?

A trend circulating on TikTok has dentists worried patients are putting their teeth and health at risk.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date June 05, 2024
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Patient Care    COVID-19    Mental Health   

Long COVID Brings Focus to Mental-Physical Connection

While the pandemic left millions of people worldwide with lasting COVID-19 effects, it also fueled a research and healthcare focus that Thida Thant, MD, and colleagues have long promoted – the overlap of physical and mental illness.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date May 23, 2024
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

Unraveling the Connections Between Loneliness and Emotional Eating

Grabbing a pint of ice cream and digging in because of a breakup has become so cliché, it’s a common romance movie scene. But for some people, especially if loneliness and isolation affects their lives, turning to food to soothe their emotions can become an all-too-common and real problem.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date May 20, 2024
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Patient Care    Sports Medicine   

Take Me Out of the Ballgame: What’s Causing MLB Elbow Injuries?

In recent seasons, a small elbow ligament has had an outsized impact on the national pastime.

Over a third of Major League Baseball (MLB) pitchers have undergone ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction surgeries – known popularly as Tommy John surgery – according to tracking data by baseball data researcher Jon Roegele. The widespread impact of the record number of surgeries that require a long recovery window has sent players, physicians and the MLB looking for answers.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date May 08, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Neuro-Ophthalmology    Health Science Radio podcast

Fulfilling a Dream: Ophthalmology Researcher Works to Restore People’s Vision

Having a close friend who was blind as a teenager gave Valeria Canto-Soler, PhD, a clear vision for her future. She wanted to help people with vision problems recover their sight.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date May 06, 2024
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Patient Care   

How to Battle the Escalating Misery of Allergy Season

Allergy sufferers greet spring with relief and dread. While they bask in saying farewell to winter, they brace for the unseen enemy of warmer weather – the onslaught of pollen from everything abloom.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 29, 2024
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Patient Care    Cancer    Mental Health   

Navigating Mental Health Around a Cancer Diagnosis

When you are the Princess of Wales, revealing a cancer diagnosis can be a complicated issue, as evidenced by the media stir that resulted from Kate Middleton’s delayed announcement earlier this year. But it’s not an easy decision for anyone facing such life-changing news.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date April 24, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Orthopedics    Regenerative Medicine    Health Science Radio podcast

Multi-Campus Effort Aims to Regenerate Arthritic Joints

Osteoarthritis, a painful degenerative disease that affects 32.5 million Americans, slowly degrades buffering cartilage until joints grind together bone-on-bone. With no existing effective regenerative therapy, treatments are limited to anti-inflammatory injections and, ultimately, expensive joint replacement surgery.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 19, 2024
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Patient Care    Liver Transplant    Endocrinology

Ever-Rising Fatty Liver Disease Gets Its First Drug and a New Name

A drug that targets liver scarring from fatty liver disease gained Food and Drug Administration accelerated approval in March, marking the first-ever drug specifically for the disease to get the FDA’s nod. Experts hope the medication, designated a “breakthrough therapy,” proves to be a sign of more treatments to come.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date April 19, 2024
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Patient Care    Dental Medicine   

Are You Saying Farewell To Lead Aprons at Your Next Dentist Visit?

A dental office memory for many – the heavy lead apron – faces retirement for many patients after new recommendations the American Dental Association (ADA) announced in February.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date April 12, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Dental Medicine   

Xylitol for Your Teeth: Sweet Trend or True Cavity Blocker?

At first glance, a claim that a sweetener derived from the bark of birch trees can prevent cavity formation might seem farfetched. It can’t be true, some might reason. Sugar causes cavities.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 05, 2024
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

ADHD Medication Shortage Continues as Diagnoses Surge

The continuing shortage of controlled stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin, has created a frustrating “yo-yo scenario” of providers and patients trying to find the right medications when they’re needed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The crisis has no clear end in sight.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 18, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Neuroscience   

Lab Probes Aphasia, a Language Disorder That Struck Bruce Willis, Wendy Williams

A language disorder with an unusual name – aphasia – entered the popular lexicon two years ago after actor Bruce Willis was diagnosed with a type of the disease that gradually robs a person’s ability to communicate. The illness popped into the headlines again when Wendy Williams, host of the talk show “Wendy,” was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD).

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 15, 2024
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Patient Care    Diabetes    Cooking and Nutrition

The Truth About Sugar: It’s Not So Simple

Sugar is the new fat, and according to Bonnie Jortberg, PhD, RD, CDCES, it’s widely misunderstood. As a top expert in diabetes lifestyle management, Jortberg is baffled by the number of times a newly diagnosed patient tells her emphatically: But I don’t even eat sugar.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date March 12, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

At the Forefront: Driving Breakthroughs in Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects several million people worldwide, with Colorado claiming one of the highest rates in the country. About one in 360 people in our state has MS, and women with the disease outnumber men by about three to one. Most often diagnosed between the ages 20 to 40, MS generally strikes patients during the prime of life.

Author Staff | Publish Date March 11, 2024
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Patient Care    Pharmaceutical Sciences   

Nicotine Trend Spreading on TikTok Packs a Potentially Dangerous Punch

The latest nicotine trend touted on social media could be the stealthiest and most dangerous yet. TikTok influencers are targeting teenagers with promises that nicotine pouches, a discreet way of getting a nicotine jolt, can do everything from enhancing masculinity to providing a powerful “buzz.”

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date March 04, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Neuroscience   

Acting Out Dreams Can Signal a Serious Disorder

Dreams are excursions of our central nervous system, unfolding when the body is at rest, but our brains are in thrall to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. For people with a rare condition, their whole body acts out the dream, sometimes to the point where they leave their bed or even their room.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 29, 2024
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Patient Care   

Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety: Can Ashwagandha Help?

With a growing number of studies suggesting that ashwagandha does fulfill its marketed claims of reducing stress and anxiety and improving sleep, the herb’s popularity has boomed, gaining the attention of consumers and healthcare providers alike.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 27, 2024
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Patient Care    Dental Medicine   

Pop, Click, Ouch? How to Treat Jaw Pain From TMJD

Much like our teeth, when injury, inflammation or other discomfort strikes the joints and muscles of the jaw, a host of taken-for-granted functions – breathing, chewing, swallowing, talking and sleeping – can be an exercise in severe pain.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 16, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Gynecologic Cancer    Ovarian Cancer   

CRISPR Study Lays Groundwork for Overcoming Ovarian Cancer

A team of researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus has gained attention for its work on rethinking ovarian cancer disease progression and treatment. Equipped with highly advanced technology, they are making inroads in rendering the most lethal cancer of the female reproductive system less deadly.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date January 29, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Health Science Radio podcast

Podcast: New Therapy Quiets Brain’s ‘False Alarms,’ Aims to Cure Chronic Pain

Like phantom pain for amputees, when the brain believes that a part of the body is injured, pain messages often continue unabated – even after the afflicted area has healed.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date January 26, 2024
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

What to Do If Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution Becomes an Addiction

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions involves starting or getting back into an exercise program. The usual marketing and social media focus on “getting fit in the new year” can also have unintended negative impacts on those who already struggle with an often-ignored mental health issue called compulsive exercise (sometimes referred to as exercise addiction).

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date January 12, 2024
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care    Community    Cancer    Pharmaceutical Sciences   

CU Innovations: Another Year of Transformative Solutions at the Forefront of Patient Care

CU Innovations brings together industry partners, entrepreneurs and investors to help University of Colorado researchers create biomedical technology that improves the quality of life worldwide. With expertise in patents, copyrights, licensing, business development, startup formation and venture financing, CU Innovations translates discovery into impact through transparent and flexible best practices.

Author Staff | Publish Date January 11, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Community    Philanthropy   

At the Forefront: Celebrating $2 Billion in Giving

As we kick off the new year, we have much to celebrate. We are growing by nearly every measure and positioned well for a fruitful 2024. 

Author Staff | Publish Date January 04, 2024
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Research    Patient Care    Community    Public Health   

CU Anschutz Top Stories of 2023

In 2023, top health scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus produced life-changing discoveries that buoyed understanding of some of the most complex questions in medicine today.

From what drives obesity and cognitive decline with aging, to how homeless and methamphetamine policies affect public health, campus researchers spend their lives seeking the answers to the questions that matter.

Author Staff | Publish Date December 18, 2023
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Patient Care    COVID-19    Clinical Research   

Paxlovid to the Rescue? What to Know About the COVID-19 Drug

As the holiday and peak respiratory seasons collide, and COVID-19 cases continue a steady, weeks-long climb, doctors want high-risk people to remember: Should COVID catch them in the coming days, one call to the doctor could save Christmas – or more.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date December 05, 2023
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Patient Care    Cardiology

Top 10 Ways to Keep High Blood Pressure at Bay

Like your home’s plumbing system, if a “pipe” clogs or corrodes and bursts within your vascular system, it can create a destructive mess, even leading to an all-systems failure if not addressed. Constant, high-pressure flow weakens arteries, and can knock corrosive plaque loose, creating a dangerous barrier. The best way to prevent a blowout? Take care of your house.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date December 04, 2023
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Patient Care    Diabetes    Clinical Research   

Call for Type 1 Diabetes Screening Gains Momentum

With the largest universal screening programs in the country, researchers at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes (BDC) have known for years that testing all children for type 1 diabetes (T1D) could prevent the heartbreak and life-threatening complications that late-stage diagnosis can cause. Yet, until recently, they have often felt alone in their educational efforts.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date November 22, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Education    Community   

State of the Campus 2023: At the Forefront

Chancellor Don Elliman delivered his annual State of the Campus Address on Nov. 16 to nearly 750 community members online and in-person, highlighting the campus’s strong stance at the forefront of innovation in health and medicine.

Author Staff | Publish Date November 17, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Philanthropy    Advancement   

Endowed Chair Celebration: Opening the Door to Discovery

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus recently celebrated the generosity of the CU Anschutz benefactor community and the talented faculty they support. Hosted by Chancellor Don Elliman, the event was held for the first time at the Anschutz Health Sciences Building against the backdrop of the endowed chair recognition wall. Each plaque recognizes an endowed chair established by a benefactor or benefactors to support faculty at CU Anschutz.

Author Danielle Davis | Publish Date November 10, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Autoimmune disease    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Could a Blood Test Revolutionize Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis?

A simple blood test into multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology could speed MS diagnostics and ultimately improve patient care, according to Xiaoli Yu, PhD, senior author of a new study on plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody aggregates.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date November 09, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Philanthropy   

University of Colorado Faculty Garner $1.6 Billion in Sponsored Research Funding and Gifts

University of Colorado faculty this year garnered $1.6 billion in sponsored research funding and gifts supporting research, a 9% increase over the previous year and the highest such total in CU history.

Author Staff | Publish Date November 02, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Can You Use Medicine and Prescriptions Past the Expiration Date?

When a headache calls and the only ibuprofen in the house is a bottle that is expired, is it worth a trip out to replace it? 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date October 24, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Bioengineer Advances Lab-Grown Tissue as Way to Repair Heart

While the incubator was silent on Oct. 8 – no thin layer of cardiomyocytes contracted in a steady beat – national journalists still got a feel for the innovative pulse running through Jeffrey Jacot’s bioengineering lab.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 12, 2023
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Patient Care    Education   

‘Can We Call a Real Doctor?’ Tour Gets Intense for Science Writers

Science Writers 2023 attendees were treated to a hands-on experience during a tour of the Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE) at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author Kristen O'Neill | Publish Date October 12, 2023
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Patient Care    Community   

Science Writers Meet the Best Medical 'Dogtor' in the ‘Galaxy’

A special doctor at Children’s Hospital Colorado eases patients’ anxiety by doing everything from showing the children how to breathe through a mask before anesthesia, to demonstrating how to take medicine from a syringe, to helping them with physical therapy by walking with them at their own pace.

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date October 11, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep: A Complicated Pairing

Trying to get a full night’s rest while living with Parkinson’s disease is often easier said than done. Patients often face frequent interruptions and irregular sleep due to a number of issues, such as poor nap patterns, abnormal movements during sleep, medication side effects, and difficulties surrounding sleep-improving exercise.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date October 10, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Infectious disease    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

Deadly, Treatment-Resistant Fungus Sees Notable Rise

While the hit TV show “The Last of Us” depicts a fictional fungus, there is a real fungus causing concern in the healthcare community, and it can be deadly.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date October 02, 2023
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Patient Care    Community   

Aging Americans Foreshadow Oral Healthcare Crisis

Oral health in a person’s golden years is a numbers game. The more natural teeth people retain – ideally at least 20 – the greater their quality of life and the lower their risk of chronic disease. For the 51% of Americans on Medicare who lack dental care, the odds are stacked against them.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date September 29, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

What Is Kratom? Is the Herbal Extract a Safe Alternative to Opioids?

Is kratom a welcome respite for those with chronic pain? Or is it a different style of opioid that can be addictive? 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date September 25, 2023
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Patient Care    Community   

Football Season Means It’s ‘Prime Time’ for Ear Plugs

Fresh off CU’s victory in the Rocky Mountain Showdown this weekend, both college and NFL fans are ready to gear up and head to the stadium for more action-packed games this season.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date September 19, 2023
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Patient Care   

TikTok and Mental Health: How Do You Decipher Accurate Information?

An uptick in mental health videos on TikTok can raise acceptance and awareness of psychological issues, but experts warn it can also be misleading and dangerous.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date September 19, 2023
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Patient Care    Colorectal Cancer    Clinical Research   

At the Forefront: Focusing On Rise in Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer

At its given pace, colorectal cancer will seize the No. 1 spot as the top killer of Americans aged 20 to 49 within seven years. Cases of the deadly cancer – its warning signs not often comfortably shared with friends or even doctors – have increased between 1% and 2% each year in that age group since 1990.

Author Staff | Publish Date September 14, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Cardiology

When the Beat Goes Wrong: Cardiologist Explains Arrhythmias

Lohit Garg, MBBS, grew curious about the workings of the heart from a young age. His interest was tinged with personal heartache as he watched several family members battle cardiac disease, especially his grandfather.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date September 14, 2023
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Patient Care   

Peptic Ulcer Disease Sidelines Springsteen: What Is PUD and How Is It Treated?

Bruce Springsteen (aka, “The Boss”) recently announced a break in his world tour after he was diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease (PUD). 

The understanding of ulcers and PUD, often incorrectly associated with high coffee or spicy food intake, has come a long way.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date September 12, 2023
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Patient Care    Community    Opioid Research   

‘It Will Save Lives’: Students ‘Keep the Party Safe’ With Fentanyl Overdose Awareness Effort

The nation’s fentanyl overdose crisis appeared within a few steps of Eduardo Ornelas at a recent music festival in Colorado.

Author Chris Casey and Ryan Wuller | Publish Date August 30, 2023
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Patient Care   

CPAP: A First-Line Sleep Apnea Therapy Fit for a President

President Joe Biden recently joined the likes of basketball great Shaquille O’Neal, “Saturday Night Live” star Amy Poehler and Grateful Dead legend Jerry Garcia – he went public with his sleep apnea disorder.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date August 28, 2023
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Patient Care    Clinical surgery   

What Is Inspire for Sleep Apnea and Will It Work for Me?

So far, nothing rivals the CPAP machine for treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder that causes lapses in breathing throughout the night and robs people of oxygen and sleep. But for some of the estimated 30 million sufferers, the apparatus required – which includes headgear, face mask and a protruding tube anchored to a bedside machine – can be intolerable.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date August 28, 2023
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Patient Care    COVID-19   

New Variants? New Shots? What’s in the Forecast for COVID-19?

COVID-19 cases have continued a steady uptick that began over the summer in Colorado and across the nation, already contributing to school closures in some harder-hit Southern states. Meanwhile, with respiratory season fast approaching and a brand-new, highly mutated variant raising eyebrows, doctors are fielding questions about a yet-to-be released booster shot.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date August 25, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Groundbreaking Stroke Study Seeks Ways to Keep Brain Cells Alive

In partnership with the UCHealth Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit, University of Colorado School of Medicine researchers are measuring blood samples of patients within minutes of stroke onset and discovering data that could change the way many stroke patients are treated.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date August 16, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Dental Medicine   

Do Rugged Hills of Nepal Hold Answers to Craniofacial Defects?

Trevor Williams, PhD, spent decades studying the genetic underpinnings of craniofacial anomalies. Without treatment, which typically involves surgery, the birth defects can leave children with breathing and eating problems and make them the targets of bullies.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date August 01, 2023
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Innovation    Patient Care   

Ready to Roll: Team Effort Bucks Sedation Trend

With her favorite Taylor Swift songs playing in the background and her team of healthcare providers cheering her on, Chenille James stood up from her hospital bed. Her destination was just outside the door, her task a short walk down the hallway. But the feat would be celebrated for months to come.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date July 31, 2023
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Patient Care   

A Healthier Climb to the Top: Treating Eating Disorders in Sports

Across sports, athletes push themselves to excel. The pressure to succeed can be internal – setting a personal best – and external – a “no-pain, no-gain” sports culture. However, this drive to achieve can come with the cost of an unbalanced relationship between food, exercise and overall health.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date July 31, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Orthopedics   

World Cup Shines Light on ACL Injury Bias Toward Women

When Rachel Frank, MD, associate professor of orthopedics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, performs surgery on a patient with a knee injury, it’s more than professional. It’s personal.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date July 25, 2023
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

New Unit Signifies Fresh Path to Reversing Mental Health Crisis

With its curved nursing stations and faux stone pathways winding throughout brightly-lighted hallways, the new 40-bed behavioral health unit at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) represents a fresh focus on mental healthcare at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date July 25, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Community   

Doctors of Old ‘Fitz’ Reunite for First Time Since Army Base Closure

As Nicholas DiBella, MD, walked through the bright halls of UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital, heading toward the first-ever reunion of physicians who served at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center (FAMC), memories came flooding back.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date July 13, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19   

Long COVID Patients Tell Top Officials That CU Anschutz Saved Them

While long COVID remains shrouded in mystery, the ravages of the disease were on clear and painful display when Admiral Rachel Levine, MD, U.S. assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, visited the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus on July 11 to learn about the campus’s research and clinical care, and hear directly from patients.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date July 13, 2023
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Patient Care    Diversity   

Improving the Lives of Black Mothers and Their Children

“It takes a village to raise a child.”

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date June 19, 2023
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care   

SPARK | REACH Program Offers Bridge to Patient Bedside for Promising Treatments

In its short, five-year history, the SPARK Colorado program has created 20 startup companies, launched nearly 50 projects and invested $7.5 million in teams that are advancing biomedical discoveries into treatments for patients.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date June 19, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Neuroscience   

Why Do Women Suffer Migraines More Frequently and Severely Than Men?

Ten percent of the world’s population suffers from migraines, with women suffering from the painful headaches at significantly higher rates than men, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date June 16, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Mental Health    COMBAT   

Post-Traumatic Growth: How to Flourish After a PTSD Diagnosis

No caring person would wish post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – or the likely terrifying event that led to it – on anyone. But for those people who develop the mental health condition and find treatment, the skills and lessons they learn can improve their lives in unexpected ways.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date June 09, 2023
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care   

CU Anschutz Receives $50 Million From The Anschutz Foundation to Accelerate Breakthroughs in Medicine

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus this week announced the Anschutz Acceleration Initiative, a program to advance cutting-edge healthcare innovations that are poised to reach patients within the next three to five years.

Author Julia Milzer | Publish Date June 07, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Advancement    Alzheimer's   

Q&A: Experts Weigh in on Alzheimer’s Disease and Discovery

As the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to triple by 2050, the sense of urgency for researchers to find better treatments and, ultimately, a cure for the 6 million people whose memories and lives are at stake has intensified.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date May 31, 2023
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

Can Magnets Help Heal Depression?

A treatment offered by the University of Colorado School of Medicine Community Practice is giving hope to people with depression who haven’t found relief with other treatment options.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date May 30, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Cardiology

Stroke Drug Offers Neuroprotection Without Long-Term Impact on Memory and Learning

A promising new stroke drug that temporarily inhibits a key protein in the brain without causing lasting harm may significantly change the future treatment of cerebral and global ischemia, according to a new study by scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. 

Author David Kelly | Publish Date May 23, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Study: Multiple Sclerosis Blood Antibodies Found to be Toxic to Neurons

A University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus research team has discovered that the immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies in the plasma of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are toxic to neurons, a finding the lead investigator said could transform the field of study.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 25, 2023
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Innovation    Patient Care    Pediatrics   

Anesthesia-Free Procedure Widens Scope of Patients Eligible for Diagnostic Tool

When Joel Friedlander, DO, MA, bioethics, travels to Vienna this month, he will check another box on a journey that’s been a series of peaks, and a few valleys, on the way to a breakthrough medical device that hit the healthcare trifecta: it opens access, improves care and lowers costs.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 19, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Can Dogs Improve Access to Dental Care?

Sometimes serendipity has a wagging tail. 

When Lexi Dunnells looked to build a project for the School of Dental Medicine’s Research Day, she knew she wanted to study how to reduce barriers to care in the dental clinic. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date April 10, 2023
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Patient Care    Public Health    Pharmaceutical Sciences

Concertgoers Allowed to Carry Narcan Into Some Festivals. Will It Help Save Lives?

The recent Food and Drug Administration approval of the nasal spray Narcan is good news for music festival attendees hoping to carry the medication in case they witness an opioid overdose.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date March 30, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Rheumatoid Arthritis   

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Be Delayed or Prevented?

Many stages occur on the path to getting rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic disease in which the immune system attacks the body, especially the joints. If providers could spot the predictive biomarkers and intervene early enough, there is a strong likelihood they could delay, or even prevent, RA from developing.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 22, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

What Is Personalized Medicine? A ‘Data Detective’ Explains

Imagine a jigsaw puzzle with thousands of tiny pieces spread across a table. The puzzle’s completion promises insights into better personalized patient care, but the pieces are from different puzzle-makers – their sides not fully matching up at first glance. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date March 21, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

CU Anschutz at Epicenter of Down Syndrome Research and Care

Did you know that people with Down syndrome almost never develop solid tumors or high blood pressure, but their chances of having Alzheimer’s and autoimmune disease are off-the-charts high?

Author Staff | Publish Date March 21, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast   

Podcast: At CU Anschutz, the Future of AI Is Here

Whether it’s accelerating research in the lab or augmenting physician decision-making in the clinic, artificial intelligence (AI) has seemingly limitless potential to transform healthcare.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 13, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Faculty   

Big Data and Bold Medicine: CU Anschutz Returns to Airwaves with 'Possibilities Endless'

This spring, the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus returns to primetime.  

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date March 13, 2023
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Research    Patient Care   

Genome Study Targets Rare Immune Disorders in Children

A multi-institutional research project led by immunology researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus will focus on underlying disease mechanisms of inborn errors of immunity (IEI), which could ultimately help uncover therapies for these high-risk patients.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date March 02, 2023
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Patient Care    Mental Health   

Can ChatGPT and TikTok Fads Hurt People Struggling with Eating Disorders?

Many professions, including the mental health field, are greeting new AI technology like ChatGPT with excitement and fear, celebrating the possibilities while predicting the dark sides. For eating disorder experts, where everything from chatbot misdiagnoses to AI-generated body images can have devasting consequences for their patients, the concerns are high.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date February 24, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    rare disease   

Patient With Rare Disease Finds Home at CU Anschutz

Editor’s Note: The joint efforts of the Gates Institute, Children's Hospital Colorado, and the University of Colorado School of Medicine elevate the research, innovation and care for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a collection of difficult-to-treat and debilitating connective tissue disorders. Below, patient Calla Winchell shares how the collaborative effort she found at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus changed her path.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date February 24, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Diabetes   

Study Examines Power of Group Sessions in Managing Diabetes

Ramona Koren remembers “falling apart” when she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a decade ago. Her life turned upside down, and she had “no clue” what to do next.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 15, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Community    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast    COMBAT   

Podcast: COMBAT Strives to Solve Military’s Toughest Clinical Challenges

Today’s world is riven by Russia’s war in Ukraine, dangers from biological and chemical weapons, increasing rates of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and growing challenges for first responders and medics dealing with high-stress situations.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 14, 2023
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Research    Patient Care    Equity Diversity and Inclusion   

Study: Implicit Bias, Late Diagnosis Create Critical ALS Healthcare Gap

It was only his first visit to a hospital’s ALS clinic, but already the Black patient’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) had progressed beyond a point for an effective intervention. This memory sticks with Zach Cox, DO, who at the time was a resident at the multidisciplinary ALS clinic in Richmond, Va.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 13, 2023
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Innovation    Patient Care   

Center for Surgical Innovation Hosts Renowned Skull Base Course

The Center for Surgical Innovation (CSI) at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is one of the few facilities in the world equipped for 3D anatomic lectures and allows trainees to practice what they’ve learned in the cadaveric laboratory.

Author Ryan Wuller and Chris Casey | Publish Date January 31, 2023
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Innovation    Patient Care    Pancreatic Cancer   

World Traveler Books CU Anschutz for Pancreatic Cancer Journey

Bonnie Dahl knows chance and circumstance played key roles in halting her pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly and insidious forms of the disease.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date January 17, 2023
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care

CU Anschutz Top Stories of 2022

Finding and sharing meaningful stories that highlight the work done on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus throughout the year is an easy task. Choosing 10 of those stories that encapsulate the unique attributes of the region’s top academic medical campus is not.

Author Staff | Publish Date December 16, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Esophageal Cancer    cancer screening

Compassionate Care Fuels Family’s Desire to Change Esophageal Cancer Paradigm

Paul O’Hara grew up in a large Midwestern family where loyalty and toughness run deep. About nine years ago, Paulie, as he was called by his siblings, leaned into his family’s caring and stout nature when he was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, which has a five-year survival rate of under 20%.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date December 06, 2022
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Research    Patient Care   

Podcast: Seeing a Regressive Form of Down Syndrome From All Sides

Nine years ago, Miah Yager was an active, life-loving young woman who had made great strides overcoming Down syndrome symptoms when, very suddenly, she crashed. Linda Roan said her daughter changed from her “world-by-the-tail” self to someone completely different. She stopped talking to friends and family, started hallucinating and could no longer sleep, getting maybe an hour each night.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date November 09, 2022
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care    Community   

CU Anschutz Faculty Drive Innovation in Confronting Nation’s Mental Health Crisis

Embracing their own vulnerability and telling personal stories, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus psychiatry faculty shared how they are innovating across disciplines and using digital technologies, novel drugs and deep brain stimulation to transform the mental health treatment landscape.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date November 07, 2022
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Patient Care    Mental Health

Shining a Light on Therapy that Might Help SAD Sufferers

As the time changes and the dark days of winter settle in, many people may start feeling the impacts of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Even in Colorado, where we see more sun than most states, SAD is an ongoing problem for many residents and can severely impact their professional and personal relationships if left untreated.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date November 07, 2022
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Patient Care    Community    Faculty    Bladder Cancer   

Sculpture Crafted in Honor of Cancer Doctor’s Impact on Patient’s Life

Gifts of significance don’t always have to be large monetary contributions. Sometimes, the most impactful gifts don’t involve money at all.

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date November 07, 2022
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Research    Patient Care   

Fentanyl and Counterfeit Prescription Drugs: Facts and Myths

Fentanyl’s growth from its original design as an effective surgical pain management tool to a leading cause of overdose death and concern has happened quickly – with severe consequences. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date November 01, 2022
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Patient Care    Heart    Cardiothoracic Surgery

Common Surgery Sedative Can Increase Risk of Heart Damage When Used at Night

A common drug that makes patients sleepy and less anxious before surgery is associated with an increased risk of heart damage when operations are performed at night, according to a study by researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Author David Kelly | Publish Date November 01, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Education    Community    Climate Science

CU Anschutz Hosts Rep. Crow for Talk on the Health Impacts of Climate Change

Increasing rates of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heat-induced illness and other maladies are strong indicators of the growing health impacts of climate change, according to experts at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. At an Oct. 26 roundtable discussion with U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, CU Anschutz and CU Boulder faculty and researchers shared perspectives of how the patients and populations they serve and study are uniquely impacted by the climate crisis.

Author Laura Veith | Publish Date October 31, 2022
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Research    Patient Care

Where Do Fears Come From? How Can New Insights Enhance Treatment?

Exposure therapy is a major treatment option used by clinicians to help patients face and get past their distressing and impairing fears. However, the fears can return in as many as 50% of patients. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date October 25, 2022
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Innovation    Patient Care    Clinical Trials

Invisalign for Cleft Palates? Researchers Team Up to Bring Birth-Defect Treatment Home

Just as Invisalign® plastic aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment, a team at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus hopes its project using 3D printed plastic molds can transform cleft lip and palate care.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 21, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Education   

State of the Campus 2022 Shines Spotlight on Our People

Chancellor Don Elliman delivered his annual State of the Campus Address on Oct. 19 to an in-person audience for the first time since 2019. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date October 20, 2022
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Patient Care    Diabetes    Obesity   

Elon Musk Rockets Weight-Loss Drug Into Public Eye

When a Twitter follower praised Elon Musk’s new “awesome, fit, ripped and healthy” look, the billionaire entrepreneur replied that his secret was “fasting” and “Wegovy.” Given society’s obsession with celebrities and weight loss and Musk’s massive following on Twitter, a viral tweet was born.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 19, 2022
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Research    Patient Care

What Causes Hearing Loss? Concerts? Headphones? Genetics?

The biggest steps to protect your hearing are actually a series of small steps, according to audiologist Cory Portnuff, AuD, PhD, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date October 11, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

What are the Potential Human Health Impacts of Hurricane Ian’s Massive Destruction?

In the wake of the extensive damage caused by Hurricane Ian as it made landfall across southwest Florida come new health concerns for residents in the impacted areas – ranging from traumatic injuries and waterborne infections to job stressors and mental health impacts.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date October 03, 2022
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Innovation    Patient Care   

Electricity from Glucose? Researchers Seek Efficient Powering of Implanted Devices

In a bioengineering lab below Children’s Hospital Colorado, sugar water burbles softly as it flows from a beaker into a breadbox-sized unit connected to wires. The setup is small and inauspicious, but the “power harvest” taking place offers huge potential for millions of people living with implanted devices, including pacemakers, neurostimulators and prosthetic devices.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date September 29, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Press Releases

Trial Shows Bionic Pancreas Improves Type 1 Diabetes Management Compared to Standard Insulin Delivery Methods

A device known as a bionic pancreas, which uses next-generation technology to automatically deliver insulin, was more effective at maintaining blood glucose (sugar) levels within normal range than standard-of-care management among people with type 1 diabetes, a new multicenter clinical trial has found. The trial, conducted partly at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus was primarily funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date September 29, 2022
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Patient Care

New Procedure Could Offer Relief for a Specific Type of Lower Back Pain

One in six people who suffer from low back pain may find relief with a new, minimally invasive procedure, offered exclusively by Peter Lennarson, MD, at UCHealth Spine Center on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date September 27, 2022
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Patient Care   

Detecting Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children Early Can Reduce Growth Delays

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – an umbrella term for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis – often involves a difficult journey to diagnosis, particularly for children. Yet detecting IBD early in pediatric patients decreases risk of growth and puberty delay and the need for surgeries.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date September 06, 2022
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Patient Care    Education    Community    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz    Patient-Centered Injury Prevention

ER Physician Offers Five Steps That Can Help Prevent Suicide

An average of 130 people take their lives each day in the United States, making it the 11th leading cause of death.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date September 06, 2022
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Innovation    Patient Care

Medicine on the Moon: Artemis I Launch Sets Stage for Medical Treatment in the Final Frontier

Artemis I sits on the launchpad at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, waiting to begin her 39-day mission to the moon and back. This critical mission, which was scheduled to launch Aug. 29 but due to engine issues has been postponed until late September, will test boosters and the Orion spacecraft that will eventually carry astronauts through space.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date August 28, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Education   

Harnessing Global Expertise to Train the Next Generation of Neurosurgeons

Human anatomy is a universe unto itself – fine-tuned and intricate, and quite delicate. The stakes are very high when a surgeon must navigate, as in the case of a base skull specialist, the labyrinth of miniscule cranial nerves and blood vessels deep within the brain.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date August 22, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Cancer    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast    lymphoma

Why Is CAR T-Cell Therapy ‘One of the Most Phenomenal Advances in Science’?

This episode of CU Anschutz 360 focuses on a promising breakthrough therapy for patients with large B-cell lymphoma, an aggressive subtype of the disease. The clinical trial was led by Manali Kamdar, MD, clinical director of the lymphoma program in the Division of Hematology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date August 16, 2022
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Patient Care    Blood Cancer    Clinical Research    lymphoma

Rolling the Dice: Gamble Pays Off For Cancer Patient in CAR T-Cell Clinical Trial

Family, friends and positive attitudes helped Katherine Haug through months of failed attempts at ridding her body of cancer. Then a passionate doctor with an experimental treatment gave the wife, mother and grandmother a big reason to smile.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date August 15, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Education    CU Medicine Today    Pediatrics

The Kempe Center Marks 50 Years of Protecting the World’s Children

Over the past 50 years, The Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect has changed the culture of children’s rights worldwide. Established in 1972, The Kempe Center became the first of its kind, providing research, training, education and innovative program development for all forms of child abuse, neglect and trauma.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date August 04, 2022
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care   

The Building of an Enterprise: Regenerative Medicine Poised for World Stage

Diane Gates Wallach has a head for business and a heart for science. When she pursues both – blending her knack for strategy with a desire to better the world – her imagination comes alive. No frontier looks insurmountable when the right talent is involved.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date July 14, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Child & Adolescent    Pediatrics

ED Clinical Leaders Eager to Give Early Treatment for Pediatric Sepsis

In a qualitative, interview-based study of emergency department leaders, researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus found most were motivated to provide high-quality pediatric sepsis care but disagreed on how best to do it.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date July 14, 2022
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Patient Care    Community    Faculty    Clinical Trials   

Biking for a PKD Cure, One Pedal at a Time

It takes a certain tenacity to ride a bike across the country. That's even more true when a person is suffering from a rare disease. But Glenn Frommer is doing just that, and inspiring others along the way. Frommer is riding over 5,300 miles from San Francisco to Boston to raise funding and awareness for polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date June 21, 2022
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Patient Care   

From Creepy to Bizarre: Doctors Find Strange Objects in Human Bodies

Although unconfirmed, legend has it that the pediatric ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialty emerged because of the prevalence of tots sticking foreign bodies (FB) in those orifices. At least that’s what Sarah Gitomer, MD, was told more than once during her training in the field.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date June 13, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Press Releases    COVID-19    Vaccinations    Clinical    lungs

New Study Paves Way to Better Understanding and Treating Long COVID

A new study published in today’s issue of PLOS Pathogens is the first to link SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells to lung function and those who suffer from long-term COVID symptoms. Long COVID currently affects hundreds of millions of Americans.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date June 09, 2022
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Patient Care    Public Health    Epidemiology    Monkeypox    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

Rare Spread of Monkeypox Puts Health Experts on Alert

The unusual spread of monkeypox from West and Central Africa, where it has occurred sporadically, has health experts on alert. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week issued a health advisory asking clinicians to be on the lookout for the virus’s characteristic rash and fever.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date May 23, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Public Health

Expert: Alarming Increase in Tuberculosis Deaths Emerging in COVID’s Wake

Worldwide focus on the novel SARS-CoV-2 reversed momentum that was halting an age-old killer. Tuberculosis (TB) remains the world’s most-lethal infectious disease after COVID-19, and, according to an infectious disease expert at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, health experts had planned to end the TB epidemic by 2035.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date May 10, 2022
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Research    Patient Care   

CU Anschutz Dental Researchers Molding the Future of 3D Printing

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine are exploring a new frontier in 3D printing – developing new and more durable materials designed specifically for inkjet printing that can be made quickly and customized for each patient. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date May 03, 2022
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Patient Care    Community   

Rep. Crow Targets VA Hiring Red Tape, Lagging Vet Suicide Data

Removing red tape in the healthcare hiring process is a top priority for U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, who held a town hall April 23 to discuss pending legislation aimed at improving access and delivery of care for veterans and military service members. 

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date April 26, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Community    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz

Hickenlooper Visits CU Anschutz for COVID-19 Response Insights

U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper visited the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus on April 14, hearing from CU and UCHealth leaders on how they joined efforts in the battle against COVID-19 and touring the new Anschutz Health Sciences Building (AHSB). The senator’s aim was to take lessons learned back to the U.S. Capitol to help guide legislation and manage the country’s future health crises.

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date April 19, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Pediatrics    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

Using AI, 3-D Technology, CU Anschutz Expert Lowers the Unknowns in Infant Skull Surgery

Trained as a computer scientist and engineer, Antonio R. Porras, PhD, became fascinated by craniofacial research – specifically the diagnosis and treatment of craniosynostosis, a skull-growth disorder ­– while working at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 15, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Dermatology

Will Smith's Slap at the Oscars Awakens the World to Alopecia Areata

A joke about bald heads by comedian and presenter Chris Rock at the Oscars ceremony last month stung patients and providers of alopecia areata (AA) around the world. Actor Will Smith’s shocking slap to Rock’s face in response ignited public awareness of a disorder that steals the hair of nearly 7 million people in the United States, many of them children.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date April 12, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Cancer   

Advancing Bladder Cancer Treatment by Studying Biomarkers’ Ability to Respond to Chemotherapy

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer among adult men. In recent decades, however, research and treatment innovation for this disease have lagged. Thomas Flaig, MD, vice chancellor of research for CU Denver and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, recently presented findings from a 10-year-long effort to study bladder cancer biomarker development and treatment.

Author Laura Veith | Publish Date April 11, 2022
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Research    Patient Care

Losing Language: Bruce Willis’ Aphasia Disorder Explained

The family of actor Bruce Willis recently announced that he would be stepping away from acting following an aphasia diagnosis – a language disorder caused by damage to the areas of the brain responsible for expression and comprehension. On Feb. 16, 2023, Willis’s family released a statement that his condition had progressed. The renowned “Die Hard” actor has been given a more specific diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), of which aphasia can be a symptom. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date April 06, 2022
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Research    Patient Care   

Half of Liver Transplants Last Year Resulted from Alcohol Use

James Burton, MD, a transplant hepatologist, regularly sees the ravages caused by alcohol in patients. A decade ago, most severe alcohol-related liver cases were in older patients, but increasingly, and especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, Burton and his colleagues are treating younger patients.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 05, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast    Alzheimer's

Could Viruses, Olfactory ‘Railroad Track’ Unlock Alzheimer’s Puzzle?

More than one in nine Americans 65 and older are now battling Alzheimer’s disease, and the numbers are expected to greatly increase in the coming decades as our population ages.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 11, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Alumni    Advancement

Evolution of Addiction Treatment: A Reflection with Don Egan

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns and puts you on a path you could never foresee. That was true for Donald “Don” Egan, MD ’66 (Resident ’70). His first career started in 1958 with the U.S. Air Force Academy, where he quickly learned he would not be suitable as the next Maverick.

Author Danielle Davis | Publish Date March 04, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    Rheumatoid Arthritis

Can the Gut Be Triggering Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have pinpointed for the first time a bacterium that could trigger rheumatoid arthritis. Their look at the gut microbiome’s potential role in the autoimmune disorder could offer clues in defining what patients are most at risk for the disabling disease.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 01, 2022
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Research    Patient Care   

Scientific Statement Sparks Call-to-Action on Treating In-Hospital Stroke

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke, which – if not treated quickly – often leaves victims with devastating disabilities. While clear stroke treatment guidelines in emergency departments have resulted in rapid care for years, for a unique patient population that suffers in-hospital strokes (IHS), the treatment hasn’t always been so speedy.

Author Holli Keyser | Publish Date February 24, 2022
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Patient Care    Press Releases    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

Firearm Life Plan Website Offers New Peace of Mind to Firearm Owners and Families

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, along with colleagues from the Rocky Mountain Veteran Affairs Medical Center, launched a website today to support adult firearm owners and their families when making decisions about what to do with their firearms in the future. The Firearm Life Plan is a free, anonymous website empowering users to make voluntary, private decisions about what to do with their firearms as they age.

Author Laura Kelley | Publish Date February 23, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    Faculty    Equity Diversity and Inclusion    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

Oral Health Report: Mouth Serves as Gateway to Overall Health

While oral healthcare has dramatically improved over the past 20 years, especially in digital technology and restorative dentistry, access to routine and preventative care remains a significant problem in the United States.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 22, 2022
Full Story

Patient Care

Alzheimer’s Is Robbing My Grandfather of His Memories. Now I'm Seeking the Best Ways to Care for Him

This week, I returned from visiting my Papou, what we Greeks call our grandfathers. He is 86 years old, 5-feet nothing in height and weighs in at exactly 103 pounds. But his health is rapidly failing.

Author Jewel Midelis | Publish Date February 18, 2022
Full Story

Research    Patient Care    Faculty

CU Innovations Names V. Michael Holers, MD, as Director of Faculty Ventures

For the newly minted director of faculty ventures position, CU Innovations needed a jack – and master – of all trades with proven successes in academia and industry. V. Michael Holers, MD, has excelled in every role of his career so far: researcher, clinician, professor, and co-founder, among others. In other words, the perfect fit for director of faculty ventures, a role which he originated in November 2021 and where he can utilize his full range of expertise.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date February 14, 2022
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Patient Care    Community    Faculty

Palliative Care Director: It’s Not About Death. It’s About Life.

When I interview an expert for an article, I typically jump right into my questions. But meeting with Amos Bailey, MD, FACP, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the director of the Master of Science in Palliative Care and Interprofessional Palliative Care Certificate Programs, was different. Before I could ask my first question, he asked his.

Author Kiley Carroll | Publish Date February 14, 2022
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Patient Care    Diabetes   

Diabetic Alert Dog Brings Comfort (and Sleep) to Family

After hearing the phrase “dead in bed,” restful nights for Marc Bullion and his wife, Becki, disappeared. Their daughter, Lelia, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) at age 8, and her low-blood sugar episodes were unusually frequent.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date January 31, 2022
Full Story

Research    Patient Care    COVID-19

Omicron Symptoms and Treatment: What to Know

Omicron is making its impact felt not just in Colorado, but across the country and globe. 

Author Matthew Hastings | Publish Date January 27, 2022
Full Story

Research    Patient Care    Skin Cancer

Health Hat Trick? Hockey Fan’s Eye for Skin Cancer May Have Saved a Life

Hockey games announce goals with a hard-to-miss flashing red light. At a recent NHL game, a fan used the color for a more important purpose. She tapped on the plexiglass and showed an assistant equipment manager a message on her phone, including these red-lettered words: “cancerous,” “mole” and “doctor.”

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date January 10, 2022
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    Cancer    Mental Health

CU Anschutz in the Spotlight: Here Are the Top 10 Stories of 2021

With the events of the past year underpinned by the fast-mutating SARS-CoV-2 virus and the vaccine rollout, researchers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus remained in the spotlight in 2021.

Author Staff | Publish Date December 14, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Education   

All I Want for Christmas: CU Dental Partnership Gives Man His Life-Long Dream Smile

Tears still cloud Patrick Brenner’s eyes when he recalls childhood. Even now, as a father of three, memories of middle-school bullies and biased looks throughout adulthood darken his outlook on a life spent hiding his smile.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date December 14, 2021
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Innovation    Patient Care    Cancer

Virtual Reality Opens Patients’ Eyes to Their Own Cancerous Tumors

Thomas Delong, PhD, remembers the first time he saw the walnut-sized tumor growing on the base of his tongue.

Author Chris Casey and Russell Stone | Publish Date December 06, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Cancer

Harnessing the Healing Power of a Doctor-Patient Relationship

With the quiet comfort of a caring partner, Sue Krummrei reaches over and pats her husband’s leg as he breaks down on camera.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date November 23, 2021
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Research    Patient Care    Campus Life    Education    Community   

State of the Campus 2021: ‘Future Is Brimming with Possibilities’

On Oct. 27, Chancellor Don Elliman delivered the 2021 State of the Campus Address virtually. He detailed the growth and forward momentum of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, while highlighting the possibilities and challenges ahead. 

Author Staff | Publish Date October 27, 2021
Full Story

Innovation    Patient Care    Diversity   

CU Innovations Wins $50,000 Grant to Support Diversity in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Many studies have shown that companies with diverse leadership and innovation teams are the most successful and profitable. And yet, representation of women and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities in management positions of companies, including startups, remains low across the marketplace.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 26, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Community    Geriatrics   

Leading in Prevention of Elder Abuse: CU Anschutz Boasts One of Only Two Teams in Nation

Elder abuse and neglect are major problems – they happen to one in 10 older adults in the United States – and often hide in plain sight.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 19, 2021
Full Story

Research    Patient Care    COVID-19   

New Pill Is a Potential Game-Changer in the COVID Battle, CU Anschutz Expert Says

Vaccines remain the best shield against COVID-19, but for those who’ve been infected with the coronavirus, the treatment arsenal continues to expand. This month, the first antiviral pill to treat COVID was submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency authorization.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 12, 2021
Full Story

Research    Patient Care    Community    COVID-19    Mental Health

CU Anschutz Puts Strong Focus on Mental Health Needs

The past year has been defined by overwhelming stress. While COVID-19 remains the overarching trigger, a slew of other stressors remain on the boil: domestic economic uncertainty and a global refugee crisis; rising crime rates and mass shootings; climate change and relentless wildfires; and polarized politics and a Capitol insurrection.

Author Staff | Publish Date October 01, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Vascular Surgery

Cyclist Back on Road Thanks to Aortic Valve Expertise at CU Anschutz

Jonathan Fox happily entered his 50s with his identity, stress outlet and social life entwined in a heart-healthy activity – cycling – that would easily propel him into his golden years.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date September 20, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    COVID-19

CU Anschutz Expert Fields Questions About Healthcare Provider Burnout in Reddit AMA

On Aug. 25, Marc Moss, MD, head of the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and critical care-related researcher hosted a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA). 

Author Staff | Publish Date August 31, 2021
Full Story

Research    Patient Care   

Christina Applegate Diagnosis Pushes MS Into Spotlight

Multiple sclerosis (MS) landed in the spotlight earlier this month when actress Christina Applegate announced that she had been diagnosed with the disease.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date August 24, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Lung Cancer

CU Doctors Increasingly Treating Women With Lung Cancer – for Longer

Most days, if Ross Camidge, MD, PhD, glances around his lung cancer clinic on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, a gender difference in his patients stands out. Women battling the nation’s top cancer killer often outnumber the men.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date July 30, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Cancer

Expertise at CU Anschutz Puts Musician on the Road Again

June 9 will forever be a day that taps a wellspring of emotions in the Schaben family of Edmond, Okla. On that day five years ago, Steven Schaben, a musician living in Denver, stumbled and fell backward off the third-floor balcony of his apartment, breaking several vertebrae, ribs and a foot.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date July 28, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Education   

Grad Sees Dentistry as a Way to Spread Happiness

Growing up, Dalal Alnassar rarely smiled. Behind her seemingly sad demeanor was the immense weight of embarrassment due to her imperfect smile. But after receiving dental care, the Kuwait native felt her shame evaporate and her confidence and happiness grow. Now she could unabashedly smile, a feeling that would ignite her passion for dentistry. 

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date June 22, 2021
Full Story

Innovation    Patient Care

This Is Breakthrough: Dr. Richard Zane

“To me, the most important thing is how does this affect patients? And how do we make patient lives easier, better, more fulfilled?” 

Author Staff | Publish Date June 22, 2021
Full Story

Patient Care    Clinical Research   

Newly Approved Alzheimer’s Drug Spurs Hope and Controversy

As controversy swirls around the first disease-modifying Alzheimer’s drug ever approved, top experts at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus see the move – for the most part – as a step forward.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date June 15, 2021
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care   

This Is Breakthrough: Dr. Kia Washington

“To give someone their senses back feels really satisfying,” says Kia Washington, MD, director of research and professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. “To restore form and function in the hand, or restore someone’s vision, appeals to me because you can really change people’s lives. You can change the way they see the world.”

Author Kristen O'Neill | Publish Date June 15, 2021
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Research    Patient Care

Could Yogurt in Diet Help Diagnose Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Future?

The mucosal surface in the gastrointestinal tract is a vast and complex area of human anatomy, a microenvironment that’s highly susceptible to inflammation and other disorders that are, at minimum, a pain in the gut, but may also presage more serious illness.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date June 14, 2021
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Research    Patient Care

Avocados and Leukemia: Fruit May Offer Better Treatment

We’ve all been there: stuck in traffic on a jam-packed freeway. Some vehicles, driven by the aggressively inclined, slowly push and prod their way through the gridlock, seeking an escape through less-obstructed pathways.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date June 09, 2021
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast

How Does Social Media Affect Our Mental Health?

A compulsive need to know. The fear of missing out. Mindlessness or numbing out. The freedom to say hateful things under cover of anonymity.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date June 08, 2021
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Patient Care    COVID-19 Podcasts    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast

Podcast: ‘Long COVID’ Flips Mountain Bike Champion’s Course Upside Down

Four months before she fell ill with COVID-19, Harper Powell stood atop the podium at the USA Cycling Mountain Bike National Championships, sporting the stars-and-stripes jersey she won for the women’s club category.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date April 30, 2021
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Research    Patient Care

Researchers Find Protein That Helps HIV-1 Navigate Through Cell

HIV-1, which causes AIDS, navigates a labyrinth of immune sensors and anti-viral attackers in order to reach a target-cell nucleus, where it permanently integrates into human DNA and spreads infection. How the virus traffics through this hostile environment has been a relative “black box” of mystery compared to other parts of the life cycle.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 15, 2021
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    Women's Health

Stories of Vision and Achievement in Honor of Women’s History Month

From a Miss Colorado-turned-nurse who tells fellow graduates that their mission is more important than ever to researchers developing a homegown antibody test during the COVID-19 pandemic, the depth of talent and ambition among women on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is breathtaking.

Author Staff | Publish Date March 16, 2021
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast

Podcast: CU-Led Playbook Gives Rural Health Leaders a Voice

Lauren S. Hughes, MD, MPH, MSc, FAAFP, and Benjamin D. Anderson, MBA, MHCDS, have dedicated their careers to transforming rural healthcare in America. When the nation and already hard-hit rural healthcare systems plunged into the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic last March, they sprang into action.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date March 15, 2021
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Patient Care    COVID-19    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

CU Anschutz ICU Doctor Shines in Acting Debut on Golden Globe Awards

When Carey Mulligan complains to Fernando Holguin, MD, during a Zoom office visit about a persistent feeling of living in a time loop, the veteran doctor’s medical sleuthing skills kick in.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date March 02, 2021
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19

Video: CU Anschutz Leaders Discuss Vaccine Progress, Distribution and Efficacy

As vaccine distribution is underway around the world, the virtual panel series, “A Conversation on COVID-19 with the CU Anschutz Medical Campus,” continued on Monday. Healthcare leaders discussed topics including vaccine progress, distribution and efficacy.

Author Courtney Keener | Publish Date March 02, 2021
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Patient Care    Heart

What Do a Heart Disorder and an Octopus Trap Have in Common?

Name a heart disorder after an octopus trap, and you lure in cardiologists attracted by the “catchy” name. Also label it “broken heart” syndrome, and reporters swarm en masse every February, looking for an enticing story for Valentine’s Day or American Heart Month.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 22, 2021
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Patient Care    COVID-19    Vaccinations

Series Looks at the Vaccine Rollout Offering the World a Hint of Hope

At a time when life before COVID-19 seems like a dream, a vaccine rollout garnering the world’s attention offers a glimpse of hope for a return to pre-pandemic life. But, as with everything SARS-CoV-2-related, questions and uncertainties remain.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 18, 2021
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Patient Care    COVID-19

Writing Proves a Therapeutic Outlet for Pandemic Stress

Writing patient notes is just part of the daily routine for doctors, nurses and other providers. It’s a rare occasion, however, when providers are asked to look inward, to search their own feelings and write about them.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date February 16, 2021
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Research    Patient Care    Cancer   

Patient Cancer Free After Cell Therapy Created by CU Anschutz

A new clinical trial at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, using cells genetically engineered by medical faculty to fight stubborn cancers, is showing encouraging results.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date February 08, 2021
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Patient Care    COVID-19   

CU Anschutz Experts Break COVID-19 Effects Down by Body Part

During the months-long pandemic, healthcare providers have seen a lot of things, often on levels they have never seen before. From brain fog and loss of smell to leg clots and purple toes, what began as a mysterious pulmonary disease has shown the world that its destructive powers far transcend the lungs.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date January 21, 2021
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Research    Patient Care

How Can Slumbering Squirrels Inform Astronauts on Long-term Journeys?

Researchers peered into the deepest of slumbers – the barely-breathing sleep of arctic ground squirrels – to better understand how the small mammals can emerge from an eight-month hibernation with a minimal loss of muscle mass.

Using metabolite profiles in the squirrels’ blood, a recently developed technology, the researchers showed that the animals have uniquely adapted to their extreme habitats by converting bodily waste products into essential nutrients. Despite spending the long winter curled into a ball and breathing only once per minute, the hardy rodents awaken in spring unscathed.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date January 12, 2021
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care    COVID-19

A Year Like No Other: Most-Read CU Anschutz Stories of 2020

It’s safe to say that 2020, rife with the disruptions, challenges and uncertainties that a global pandemic brings, has been a pivotal year. With SARS-CoV-2 vaccines rolling out, and the promise of a healthier and brighter 2021, science has vaulted in preeminence worldwide.

Author Staff | Publish Date December 15, 2020
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19

‘Miracle’ Therapies Open Door to New Life for Young Woman With Cystic Fibrosis

While 2020 has teetered into degrees of existential crisis for most of us, for Sarah Boylan it has been something else entirely. She calls it her “reverse existential crisis.”

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date December 14, 2020
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

CU Anschutz Leaders Discuss the Latest Approaches in COVID-19 Testing, Patient Care, Modeling and Clinical Trials

Last week, a virtual panel series, “A Conversation on COVID-19 with the CU Anschutz Medical Campus,” continued with a discussion on some of the latest trends and developments in the pandemic.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date December 08, 2020
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Patient Care    COVID-19    COMBAT

Pandemic Care Mirrors Military Medicine in Stressful Ways

Providers don protective gear before entering procedure rooms where the enemy lurks. They spend their days under rapid fire, battling to save patients’ lives while protecting their own. The ever-present enemy rules their workdays and even follows them home.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date December 03, 2020
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Patient Care    COVID-19

Why We Do What We Do: The Carver Family Story

In this short video – featured in Chancellor Don Elliman’s 2020 State of the Campus videocast – Robert Carver and his wife, Chalice, share their touching, triumphant journey through COVID-19  and the life-saving care Robert received at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. 

Author Staff | Publish Date November 18, 2020
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Patient Care    COVID-19

Pandemic-Weary Healthcare Providers Brace for Possible Double COVID-Flu Punch

Providers battered by the biggest pandemic of their lifetimes face a new uncertainty in the next few weeks. As COVID-19 swirls around them, again taxing clinics and hospitals across the country with its biggest upsurge yet, flu season threatens to make its annual debut at any time.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date November 17, 2020
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Patient Care    Community    Awareness    Public Health    ColoradoSPH at CU Anschutz   

Dangerous Haze Is Back in Colorado. Get Prepped for More Fire Days Ahead

A cold front brought a blanket of snow to Colorado in late October 2020, a welcome gift for a state ravaged by wildfires. As the flakes fell, they helped tame record-breaking burns that had been threatening communities for weeks, racing from the Rocky Mountains above to the borders of Boulder below.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date November 10, 2020
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Research    Patient Care    Lung Cancer    Cancer    CU Anschutz 360 Podcast

Podcast: ‘You Have to Personalize the Miracles’

Melissa Turner had already survived two bouts of breast cancer, so the last thing she expected to hear in early 2018 after experiencing a series of mysterious symptoms was, “You’ve got lung cancer.”

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date November 02, 2020
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care    Community

Video: CU Anschutz Experts Address Depression and Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has continued to affect a growing number of people in our communities. At the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Depression Center (JDC), our staff and faculty continue to provide exceptional clinical care for our patients, while providing critical educational outreach to the community.

Author Courtney Keener | Publish Date November 02, 2020
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Patient Care    Education

Meet the Joanne Posner-Mayer Endowed Chair in Physical Therapy

Michael Harris-Love, PT, MPT, DSc, who became the head of the University of Colorado School of Medicine Physical Therapy Program last year, describes himself as an “unlikely candidate” for physical therapy school.

Author Courtney Keener | Publish Date October 29, 2020
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Research    Patient Care

Family Drives 2,000 Miles to Thank Team for Expert Healthcare

Among its many harsh lessons, 2020 has reminded the world about the power of waves – as in the alarming swells that come with a pandemic.

For Nishanth Kalavakolanu, it was an idyllic September day in 2018 when a health crisis of a different, but also mysterious, sort crashed his world. It arrived as a sudden surge that upended the healthy young man – a military cadet, no less – and left him fighting for his life.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date October 26, 2020
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Research    Patient Care    Press Releases   

Some Catholic OB/GYNs Face Moral Dilemmas in Issues of Family Planning

A study of Catholic obstetrician-gynecologists shows some face moral dilemmas when dealing with issues of family planning and abortion due to their religious faith, according researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. 

Author David Kelly | Publish Date October 16, 2020
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Research    Patient Care    COVID-19

Potter: Promising Alzheimer’s Trials, Treatments in Process

  • What you need to know: In our Q&A, Huntington Potter, PhD, explains the progress being made in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease. He discusses the headway in the development of a new drug – an antibody against Alzheimer’s amyloid – and points out the possible treatment benefits of GM-CSF Leukine against COVID-19.

Last fall, we sat down with Huntington Potter, PhD, director of the University of Colorado Alzheimer’s and Cognition Centerone of the major Alzheimer’s research centers in the country – for a wide-ranging podcast conversation about the state of Alzheimer’s research.

Author Kristen O'Neill | Publish Date September 29, 2020
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Patient Care    Gynecologic Cancer    Blood Cancer    Cancer

Living to Live: Friends Face Off Cancer; Find Strength in Each Other

From “No Hair Don’t Care” to “Keep Calm and Colorado On,” four friends facing two grim diagnoses used humor and grit in their battles against cancer. All four contend that, without their outlook and a little fate, their crusade might have had a different ending.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date September 15, 2020
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Patient Care    Community    COVID-19   

Dental Faculty to Reintroduce Oral Health Preventive Services to the Most Vulnerable

  • What you need to know: Drs. Deidre Callanan and Tamanna Tiwari, of the CU School of Dental Medicine, have a passion for community dentistry and population health. They will spend the next year consulting with the Colorado Association of School-Based Health Centers. They will work on reintegrating existing dental preventive practices that were suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic and offer guidance on the next level of preventive dental care.

Marcus’s mouth was a mess.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date September 15, 2020
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Innovation    Patient Care    Education    COVID-19

Global Pandemic: Putting Our Medical Campus’s Talents to Task

Editor’s note: “Our COVID-19 Fighters” is an occasional series highlighting the ways the CU Anschutz Medical Campus community is helping patients and the wider community in the fight against the pandemic. We welcome your story ideas; please share them here.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date August 25, 2020
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Research    Innovation    Patient Care

Breakthrough Software Prints 3D Replicas of Human Anatomy

Nicholas Jacobson, an architect by training, has a passion for combining structure with aesthetics. It wasn’t until he joined the Inworks team at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus that he put another skillset – a knack for collaboration – into overdrive.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date August 11, 2020
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Patient Care

This Is Breakthrough: Dr. Jenny Zablah

“One of the biggest challenges of working with kids is that you are also working with their families,” says Jenny Zablah, MD, interventional cardiologist at Children’s Hospital Colorado and assistant professor of Pediatrics-Cardiology at CU Anschutz. “You have to think about not just how to treat the patient, but how that treatment will impact the family.”

Author Kristen O'Neill | Publish Date August 10, 2020
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Patient Care

Reconstructive Surgery on Cleft Lip Transforms Teen’s Outlook

As a young child, Jennifer Falomir-Lopez just wanted to look “normal” like all the other kids. She knew she was different but couldn’t explain to her friends why she looked different. Jennifer was born with a cleft lip and cleft alveolus.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date July 31, 2020
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Innovation    Patient Care    Philanthropy

Video: CU Anschutz Experts Discuss How We Are Redefining the Future of Cancer Care

Chancellor Don Elliman welcomed generous benefactors and community members to a live panel discussion titled “How we are Redefining the Future of Cancer Care with the University of Colorado Cancer Center” on July 23.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date July 24, 2020
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Patient Care

Facing Tough Road of Cancer Treatment, Scott Ryberg Just Kept Running Up Mountains

The day after Scott Ryberg lost his mother to lung cancer, the trail, as always, beckoned.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date July 08, 2020
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Patient Care    Community

CU-Backed Bill Aimed at Curbing HIV Infection

A bill approved this month and backed by the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences pushes open the door to highly effective HIV-prevention drugs, potentially curbing infection for the state’s most at-risk citizens.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date July 04, 2020
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Research    Patient Care

Charles Dinarello Awarded the 2020 Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science

University of Colorado Distinguished Professor Charles Dinarello, MD, has today been named one of the winners of the 2020 Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science “for the development of cytokine-targeting biological therapies for treatment of inflammatory diseases.”

Dr. Dinarello shares the prize with Dr. Marc Feldmann and with Dr. Tadamitsu Kishimoto.

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date June 22, 2020
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