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University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Regains Hispanic-Serving Status

Designation offers grant opportunities for campuses to bolster student success, faculty support

2 minute read

by Staff | May 16, 2024

The U.S. Department of Education designated the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus as a Hispanic-Serving Institution this week, regaining a status originally announced in 2021. Just under 600 institutions hold HSI status nationally. The CU Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is the fourth in the state – and only R1 institution in the Rocky Mountain Region – granted HSI status.

Qualification of HSI status is determined by a university having undergraduate full-time enrollment of at least 25% Hispanic students – alongside students who are eligible for Pell Grants and low core expenses. As an HSI alongside CU Denver, CU Anschutz is eligible to receive grant funding for student success, staff support and additional programs, among other opportunities. Furthermore, faculty will now be eligible for federal grants specifically for minority-serving institutions, with consideration given when applying for other federal grants. 

The designation for the CU Denver | CU Anschutz Medical Campus follows the Biden-Harris administration's fall 2023 announcement of over $40 million in funding to HSIs to support Hispanic and Latino students at qualifying institutions. 

“We are proud to be one of the few medical campuses in the country to receive HSI designation from the Department of Education,” said Donald M. Elliman, chancellor of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. “The opportunities afforded by this designation help us further support and foster the next generation of health leaders who represent the communities they will go on to serve.”