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A Miracle for My Ears

minute read

by cupharmacy | June 27, 2017

Can you imagine total silence or hearing only muffled conversations?  "You adapt," says recent CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy graduate Lauren Kirchner.  "But there is an advantage.  Patients think I am really engaging with them because I am concentrating on their lips and hearing what they have to say."

And in a career that requires patient interaction, being attentive is a plus.

Kirchner was born hearing impaired with 90% deficit compared to normal. "My parents didn't know that I couldn't hear until I was about two or three years old," says Kirchner.

But even though she's had hearing aids for most of her life, there is a big difference between really good ones and those that are just so-so. "For years I could hear maybe one of 10 words with background noise." About a year and a half ago, Kirchner purchased new aids and it was a "miracle for my ears." Now, she hears eight out of 10 words that are said (with background noise).

Because of her hearing impairment she thought long and hard about a career in pharmacy where listening to patients is a requirement. "I struggles with my decision to pursue pharmacy. I thought about being on the phone a lot and the importance of getting every single detail right. Could I do it?" She toyed with pursuing accounting, the path her parents took.  "I didn't want to pick a career just because it would be easy. So, I picked something I wanted to do," Kirchner recalls.

"I'm proud to be in the medical field," says Kirchner who will be staying in Colorado and has a position with Kaiser post-graduation.


Topics: Alumni
