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He Should Be Here

minute read

by Cancer Center | September 30, 2019
Doug Squire at the Derby

Heather and Lauren Squire credits the University of Colorado Cancer Center for giving them a couple more years with their beloved father and husband.

Doug after completing a half-marathon

“My husband was a beast,” explains Heather Squire. “Up until the very end, he was an absolute beast.”

“Beast” may be the perfect way to describe someone who would run three to four miles right after a chemo infusion. “Beast” may also be the perfect way to describe a dedicated doctor who saw his last patient exactly two months before his passing. But for Heather Squire and their daughter Lauren, the “beast” Doug Squire, was a loving and compassionate husband and father who made the most of each and every day.

It Can Happen to Anyone

After nearly 18 months of stomach issues that doctors were unable to explain, Doug Squire, MD, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, from Longmont, CO, found himself in a waiting room with his wife, Heather, to undergo a colonoscopy procedure.

“I remember what I was wearing that day,” says Heather. “The whole day is so clear in my head. It was absolutely traumatic. After just about ten minutes into the procedure the doctor came out and said, ‘we need to talk’.”

Doug was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized to his liver. The prognosis was bleak: 2 to 3 years, “if he was lucky”.

Doug with daughter, Lauren, and Wife, Heather

“I did not accept that. I physically and mentally could not accept that,” says Heather. “I was 39, we had a 10-year-old daughter and we had our whole life together waiting for us. I remember saying to the doctor ‘that’s not going to work for us’”. 

A cancer diagnosis never crossed the Squire’s mind. Doug was only 41, extremely fit, ate well, and took care of his health. You could say he was the opposite of someone you would imagine being diagnosed with cancer and especially colon cancer.

“People think that colon cancer is just an ‘old person disease’. That is not the case. If the most freaking fit human can get it, anyone can!” says Heather.

A Long(er) Road

At the time he was diagnosed Doug was given just 2 to 3 years to live. The Squires’ were determined to beat those odds. 

“We ended up going to another cancer center before we were officially connected with Dr. Messersmith,” explains Heather. “Doug said many, many times throughout his treatment that he completely trusted Dr. Messersmith and felt comfortable with him, which was the most important thing for us.”

Doug’s care team stretched state lines. His oncologist at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and his surgeon at another cancer center in Texas. 

“The collaboration worked out wonderfully because Dr. Messersmith and the surgeon actually knew each other and were able to go back and forth with different ideas throughout the treatment process,” says Heather.

His treatment included surgery to slowly kill off parts of his liver. In addition, Doug went through countless rounds of radiation and chemotherapy. 

“He never complained. Not even once,” says Heather. “He would actually go for runs, pump in hand, during his infusions. No one could believe he had stage 4 cancer and that’s exactly how he wanted it”

Doug during at a chemo therapy infusion

A long road (luckily) became a little bit longer when Doug hit the three-year mark after diagnosis.  He even ran a half marathon in New Orleans on the 3 year anniversary of diagnosis to prove his point.  However, in year four, his chemo treatments stopped working. Messersmith brought up the idea of starting immunotherapy as a last resort but, devastatingly, Doug did not qualify for the trial. Doug passed away on August 3rd, 2017 at his home surrounded by his family. He was just 46.

“Dr. Messersmith and Doug’s entire care team gave us the gift of more time with our husband, father, and friend,” says Heather. “We got an additional two and a half years to make memories and be together thanks to the care we received. Before Doug passed, we knew that we wanted to do something to give back.”

Giving Back

Before Doug passed, he gave Heather the instructions to sell his BMW and give 100% of the profits to Dr. Messersmith. This started a domino effect in the Squire family.

“Doug was always a very humble man. He did not want me to have a funeral. Instead, we had  ‘Dougtoberfest’, a chance for friends to gather and an opportunity to raise awareness and money for colorectal cancer research,” explains Heather. “At the event, we were humbled and honored to have hundreds of people attend and we were able to create the Doug Squire Honorary Fund.”  

The Doug Squire Honorary Fund supports many aspects of colorectal cancer research, including the training of future oncologists in the CU Cancer Center’s Summer Research Fellowship Program

Lauren and Heather with Hannah Frederick, a CU Cancer Center Summer Research Fellow.

“This year we were able to sponsor Hannah (Frederick),” says Heather. “She is amazing! We were lucky enough to have a private lunch with her after the program was completed and really get to know her and her hopes for the future. It means the world that we were able to support her in her colon cancer research endeavors.” 

“Hannah Frederick is a junior at the University of Maryland,” says Jill Penafiel, Education Manager at the CU Cancer Center. “She’s a stellar student who has a passion for research. She really enjoyed presenting her research results to Heather and Lauren Squire and Dr. Messersmith and was so appreciative of the sponsorship and connection to a colon cancer patient.”

Cartwheeling for Colon Cancer

In addition to support research, Heather has made it her life’s mission to raise awareness about colon cancer in young people.

“When Doug was going through treatment, being healthy and active remained important in our lives” she says. “I traveled frequently for work and in an effort to stay active on the road and let him know I was thinking of him, I did a cartwheel at the end of each run and sent him a photo. Now, it has grown to be an awareness effort and a unique way to get people’s attention on the topic of colon cancer.”

The instagram account Cartwheels4ColonCancer has hundreds of followers. Heather, who manages the account, has met many of the followers, heard their stories and knows first-hand her awareness passion is helping save lives.

“I have people come up and tell me ‘thank you’ for not only raising awareness of colon cancer in young people but also encouraging people to be proactive about their health,” says Heather. “If something feels off in your body, don’t dismiss it!”

Moving Forward

It has been just over two years since Doug’s passing. Since then, Heather and Lauren have dedicated their lives to awareness and funding life-saving cancer research. They have no plans to stop in the future. 

“We move forward, but we don’t move on,” says Heather. “We never expected to lose Doug as early as we did. I can only hope that our efforts are making him proud and saving lives in the process.”

To learn more about Doug’s story watch this video.
