It has been quite the whirlwind since coming to campus last week. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and get to know several of our department, division and hospital leaders. I’ve also had the joy of bumping into familiar faces - acquaintances I’ve made here along the way and also those from life before CU! Although I have a lot to learn and many more people to meet, I can tell that the greatest strength of our Department is our people. To this end, you will start to see this asset reflected in many of our communications going forward. I want everyone to see how incredible our faculty and staff are - and what better way to showcase this than in our day-to-day communications.
Although it’s early in my tenure, I have started to craft my vision for the DOM. My goal is quite simple: to become the best Department of Medicine in the country in all of our missions. Clinically, this means we must become leaders in providing safe, high-value, effective, efficient and equitable clinical care to those that entrust their lives in our hands. Academically, I would like our department to become the number one destination for IM and subspecialty training in the nation - and to be known for producing individuals that will become the nations next wave of academic and educational leaders. And on the research front, I am focused on raising our extramural funding portfolio, developing and encouraging thematic and programmatic science and refining a mentorship program that ensures the success of our junior faculty.
How may we reach these lofty goals? My view is that we begin by making sure we have the best team - the best people - in the right places to ensure success. In the next few weeks, I will be looking closely at our departmental and divisional structures to ensure this is in place for future success. You may see announcements for leadership opportunities and ways to engage with helping find our best. I encourage you to consider applying for these roles or nominating others and to take an active part in helping craft the future of our department.
We have the greatest people and I know we can build the greatest team. I am looking forward to this journey with you.
Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc