Dear Colleagues,
I recently had the opportunity to go on hospital rounds with our WellDOM team (Wellness in the Department of Medicine) and their new pop-up wellness cart. This experience was a highlight since my arrival in the DOM. The pop-up cart brought so much joy, not only to the people we visited with, but myself included. I also had the opportunity to meet with many of our teams, complete with my WellDOM cap on. Since I’m a new face here, it was kind of fun to just be me (and somewhat anonymous) and chat with people in their day-to-day environment.
If you haven’t heard of this new feature from the DOM – the pop-up cart is stocked with snacks, drinks, wellness tips and even an aromatherapy bar to give our frontline providers and clinicians a much needed boost during their shifts. It’s also an opportunity for our pop-up cart volunteers (led by our WellDOM champions) to connect one-on-one with folks to check in. Please reach out to our WellDOM director Katie Morrison if you would to learn more about the pop-up cart or request that the cart make an appearance for your division.
I believe wellness should be threaded throughout our culture, at all levels, and I look forward to continuing to champion this initiative in our department. And speaking of wellness, I hope you all take the time to rest, rejuvenate and recharge yourselves in the coming weeks. It’s been a challenging year and we all need the “diastole” of the holidays as we embrace 2022.
I know many of you are concerned about Omicron. Truth be told, so am I. The data from the UK suggest a rapid growth and infection profile. Early data from the east coast (NY and NJ) are similarly concerning. So, I do not think it is a question of if, but when we see a similar trend in Colorado. We still don’t know what the impact on hospitalization may be, but we are concerned enough that preparations have started. In that spirit - you should prepare as well. Specifically, get your booster. We know that protection against Omicron is greatest among those that have had the third vaccine dose and if you have not received yours yet, please do not delay. To keep us all informed, I will continue to host town halls related to COVID-19, so please stay tuned for announcements regarding upcoming events.
Since the university will be closed for the holidays on the next two Fridays, my communication will restart in January. In the meantime, I wish you and your families all the best including happiness, health and hope for the new year. Thank you for all you do for your patients, your colleagues and the department every day.
Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc