Dear Colleagues,
My message this week is focused on a singular theme: gratitude.
Over the past several weeks, the hustle and bustle in the Academic Office Building has increased perceptibly. The hallways are no longer quiet, the casual hellos and introductions as people pass each other are audible, and the fleeting sounds of laughter and glee at seeing friends and familiar faces is perceptible.
At the same time, large gatherings have started to occur in person (I attended the Benefactors’ Gala on Wednesday where there were over 500 of us in the room!) and more and more of us are conducting our work face-to-face. We have had recruits come through for in-person interviews and many of my meeting invites now have locations and directions attached to them rather than a Zoom URL.
To be clear, I know we remain in a climate of change. From the choices of whether to wear masks in school, at work or in airports, to holding in-person vs. hybrid meetings, or to hosting large in-person events vs. smaller ones – the juggling act continues. But I can’t help but think how lucky we are to even have the opportunity to make these types of decisions. And for that, I remain grateful.
Finding a capacity for everyday gratitude takes work, but it pays off in the long run. Research links gratitude with a wide range of benefits, including strengthening your immune system and improving sleep, feeling optimistic and experiencing more joy and pleasure, being more helpful and generous, and feeling less lonely and isolated.
So, I am dedicating this week’s message to things that I am grateful for. I am grateful that we are coming back together in our units, divisions and as a department. I am grateful for my family – who remain my source of strength and inspiration. And I am grateful for all of you— for your dedication, commitment and perseverance throughout these challenging times. I truly appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to brighter days ahead.
Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc