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Vice Chair of Research Presentations - Your Feedback

Chair of Medicine's Blog

2 minute read


Dear Colleagues,

Research is core to our mission in the Department of Medicine. As a national leader in biomedical research, we rank consistently among the top 25 departments of medicine in NIH funding. We ranked 24th in 2021. Our goal—one that is well within our reach—is to break into the top 20 and continue to climb higher in the rankings.

In 2021, we received 187 awards from the NIH, amounting to $77,057,664 in research support. We continue to see an increase in funding from the VA and the NIH—all due to your passion for research that makes major contributions to the advancement of biomedical knowledge. To be clear, there are opportunities to do better—specifically around programmatic science, better inclusivity of our research faculty, and support programs that will enable junior and mid-career scientists to flourish.

That is why one of my key business items has been the recruitment of our Vice Chair of Research—an individual who will be entrusted to define and execute our departmental research strategy. It is important that I have your input in making this decision. Therefore, I invite you to review the Town Hall videos below of our three finalists and provide your feedback using the survey link provided.

Thank you for taking the time to help me make this decision.





Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc
Robert W. Schrier Chair of Medicine
Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine


Vice Chair of Research Finalist Town Halls









Candiate Evaluation Form