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CU Anschutz In The News

By Media Outlet

The Denver Post

The Denver Post

Sober seating bill for Colorado sports, concert venues would set national precedent

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateMarch 17, 2023

“I’ve done a lot with opioid legislation and on other substance-related committees, and what I’ve learned in that time — especially working with the CU Anschutz Medical Center — is that alcohol-use disorder is the biggest one out there. It just happens to be the most socially acceptable.”

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The Denver Post

Colorado’s COVID hospitalizations remain stable despite new variant taking over

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 24, 2023

Viral concentrations in wastewater may be increasing slightly, which would point to increasing infections, but the overall picture is one of stability, said Dr. Jon Samet, dean of the Colorado School of Public Health. Hospitalizations are generally trending down nationwide, with a few exceptions, he said.

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The Denver Post

Colorado’s COVID hospitalizations remain stable despite new variant taking over

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 24, 2023

Viral concentrations in wastewater may be increasing slightly, which would point to increasing infections, but the overall picture is one of stability, said Dr. Jon Samet, dean of the Colorado School of Public Health. Hospitalizations are generally trending down nationwide, with a few exceptions, he said.

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The Denver Post

COVID-19 infections increasing in Colorado, but hospitalizations rise only slightly

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 17, 2023

“We’re sort of at a steady, manageable level for the moment,” said Dr. Jon Samet, dean of the Colorado School of Public Health.

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The Denver Post

Valentines Day can be triggering for people recovering from trauma, CU psychologist says

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 17, 2023

Any holiday can be hard for people with post-traumatic stress disorder, because they may feel unable to connect with others after the traumatic event changed the way they see themselves and the world, said Dr. Abby Norouzinia, who practices at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. But Valentine’s Day presents its own challenges for people who survived sexual assault, domestic violence or other trauma related to dating and romantic relationships, she said.

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The Denver Post

Colorado’s COVID hospitalizations drop amid mixed signals of virus’s activity in state

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 10, 2023

It’s possible last week’s number was blip, or that it was a real, but muted result of the XBB.1.5 variant gaining ground in the state, said Beth Carlton, an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at the Colorado School of Public Health.

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The Denver Post

Colorado COVID hospitalizations rise slightly, possibly due to the new XBB.1.5 variant

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 02, 2023

The numbers can fluctuate, so one week’s data may not represent a trend. Still, the fact that three of the four major indicators are trending up suggests Colorado may be seeing the effects of the XBB.1.5 variant taking over, said Beth Carlton, an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at the Colorado School of Public Health.

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The Denver Post

Colorado rural residents facing hurdles to healthcare get assistance from a program

news outletThe Denver Post
Publish DateFebruary 02, 2023

That’s where Colorado AHEC comes in. The program is operating in its latest grant cycle, which runs from 2022 to 2027. It’s associated with the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and students are placed in clinical rotations to get comfortable serving rural areas.

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