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Recent Medical & Health Science News Stories | Genetics

Neuroscience    Vaccinations    Genetics

Scientists Find Probable Cause of Shingles/Stroke Link

Scientists investigating why people who have had shingles are at a higher risk of stroke now believe the answer lies within lipid vesicles called exosomes that shuttle proteins and genetic information between cells, according to new research from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date October 27, 2022
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Research    Genetics

Solving the Puzzle of Rare Diseases Through Data and Teamwork

Melissa Haendel, PhD, has many goals as a prominent data scientist and the first-ever chief research informatics officer for the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. All research on the academic medical campus stands to benefit from her team, skilled in the emerging field of data science.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date February 25, 2022
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