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Recent Medical & Health Science News Stories | Head and Neck Cancer

Head and Neck Cancer    Cancer    Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Sensory Nerves Appear to Drive Head and Neck Cancer Growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus studying interactions between nerves and tumor microenvironments have found that commonly used drugs like botox may stop or slow the progression of certain head and neck cancers.

Author David Kelly | Publish Date February 28, 2024
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Research    Head and Neck Cancer    Cancer

Rock Icon Eddie Van Halen Joins List of Musicians Gone Too Soon

In a 1983 concert video, guitar legend Eddie Van Halen abandons his pick as he sets the stage for his famous "Eruption" solo. After popping the pick into his mouth and tucking a cigarette into the top strings of his guitar, the well-loved musician’s fingers fly across his instrument’s neck, a trail of smoke rising from it with every wailing note.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date October 19, 2020
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