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Multi-Campus Effort Aims to Regenerate Arthritic Joints

Osteoarthritis, a painful degenerative disease that affects 32.5 million Americans, slowly degrades buffering cartilage until joints grind together bone-on-bone. With no existing effective regenerative therapy, treatments are limited to anti-inflammatory injections and, ultimately, expensive joint replacement surgery.

Author Chris Casey | Publish Date April 19, 2024
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Research    Community    Regenerative Medicine   

CU Anschutz Takes the Reins in CAR T Cancer Therapy Research

One of the initially scheduled speakers at this spring’s “Transforming Healthcare” series on May 2 bowed out for a more spontaneous event: his own wedding. With his high-school diploma newly in hand and his little-known CAR T-cell therapy giving him time, the young man decided to embrace the future – now.

Author Debra Melani | Publish Date May 08, 2023
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Research    Faculty    Regenerative Medicine   

Gates Grubstake Fund Awards Over $1.5 Million to Campus Researchers

The Gates Grubstake Fund invokes the memory of Gold Rush prospectors who received seed money, “grubstakes,” for food and supplies so they could search for treasure. The funding supports the work of modern-day prospectors – translational researchers affiliated with Gates Institute – whose work developing cell- and gene-based therapies could make a difference in human lives. In 2022, four awardees received $350,000 each to support their work.

Author Toni Lapp | Publish Date March 10, 2023
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Research    Regenerative Medicine   

Gates Institute Pushing CU Anschutz to the Forefront in Cell Therapy

Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) are poised to transform the practice of medicine, but further advancement will require close partnerships between academic institutions and biotechnology companies, Terry Fry, MD, executive director of the Gates Institute, told a standing-room-only crowd in the Torreys Peak Auditorium of Bioscience 3 on March 1.

Author Toni Lapp | Publish Date March 03, 2023
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