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Tai Mara Lockspeiser, MD, MEd

Lockspeiser Named Inaugural Jones Family Endowed Chair in Medical Education

Gift Announcement from Vice Chancellor for Advancement Scott Arthur


We are pleased to announce a generous gift of $2 million from Doug Jones, Jr., MD, Ann Jones, PhD, and their children, Monica Federico, MD, and Tobin Jones, for the establishment of the Jones Family Endowed Chair in Medical Education.

The inaugural chair holder will be Tai Mara Lockspeiser, MD, MEd, professor of pediatrics in the Section of General Academic Pediatrics, Assistant Dean of Medical Education and Director of Assessment, Evaluations and Outcomes. 

Dr. Doug Jones, a University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus alumnus, was chair of the Department of Pediatrics within the CU School of Medicine and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. Doug and Ann Jones and their family are longtime supporters of CU Anschutz, and we are grateful for their dedication and the impact of their philanthropy.

The Jones Family Endowed Chair in Medical Education is the first fully endowed chair within the School of Medicine, as well as one of only a few in the nation, dedicated to the support of medical educators. Resources from this fund will aid the vision of the faculty chair holder and assist students and trainees, research priorities, conference participation, curriculum development and other activities that elevate the study and practice of medical education.

This meaningful gift to the School of Medicine would not have been possible without the generosity of the benefactors and the collaboration Karen Aarestad and Jamie Mager in the CU Anschutz Office of Advancement.

Congratulations to all.