What are you currently doing as a pharmacy professional and how did you progress to where you are today?
Christine MacBrayne, PharmD '14
I am currently the Clinical Pharmacy Manger at Children’s Hospital Colorado-Network of Care. After graduation in 2014, I completed a PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at Children’s Hospital Colorado and then a 2-year post-doctoral fellowship with the Colorado Antiviral Pharmacology Lab at the CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, under the mentorship of Dr. Jennifer Kiser.
Following my training, I became the Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Stewardship Clinical Pharmacist Specialist at Children’s Hospital Colorado in 2017. I held this role for six years prior to transitioning to my leadership role in 2023. Through my work, I have been able to publish many manuscripts, speak nationally, and be part of the NIH COVID-19 guideline panel as the only pediatric pharmacy member.
What is different about the person you are today compared to the person you were while in school?
There are a lot of things different about me today compared to when I was in school. My career has allowed me to grow in so many wonderful ways, both professionally and personally. I have been able to learn balance and the importance of work-life balance. A fulfilling career is so important, but time for yourself and family is equally important, and today I am a proud wife and mom to four beautiful children! In addition, I am a much better leader now than I was in school. Leadership is hard work, but it is so rewarding to know that you are mentoring others and making a difference in their lives and careers.
What has been a defining moment for you as a seasoned professional?
There are a few to choose from, but the most defining moment for me was being asked to sit on the NIH COVID-19 guideline panel. I am surrounded with experts in the field of infectious disease and this was a huge honor to be able to join that team.
What inspired you to attend the CU Pharmacy program and what was your experience while in the program?
I always knew I wanted to be in medicine growing up. When I was in undergraduate school, I started working at Walgreens as a pharmacy technician. I had a few family members with complex medication regimens, so I thought that learning more about the medications would be a first great step. I fell in love with pharmacy and pursued pharmacy school. I also met my husband, who was a pharmacy technician at the same Walgreens and a 2013 CU Pharmacy graduate. Colorado is home for me, but despite that I loved the program. I was accepted to several programs across the nation, but the extensive clinical curriculum taught by some of the leaders in pharmacy practice across the nation is what drew me to attend CU Pharmacy specifically.
What is your proudest moment and your favorite thing about working in the pharmacy profession, and how are you making a difference in your career?
My proudest moment would be the first time I published a manuscript. Dr. Jennifer Kiser was a huge mentor for me, and I attribute much of my clinical and mentoring/leadership success to her mentorship. When I was a pharmacy student, I applied to be her research assistant and was fortunate enough to get the job! This opportunity honestly changed the trajectory of my career. When I was a student working with her, she gave me the opportunity to write a case report regarding therapeutic drug monitoring levels of HIV medications in a patient post gastric bypass surgery! I was, and still am, so proud of this paper, which can be viewed here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24615629/
What sage advice would you pass on to current and future students that was helpful for you in preparing for the job market?
First, I think it is so important to diversify your experiences to understand what you are passionate about. It is important to gain diverse experiences during your schooling. Additionally soft skills such as communication, teamwork and adaptability are so important! Last find informal or formal mentors. A great mentor can offer guidance, advice and insight from their experience that can be super impactful for your own path.