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Nursing News and Stories

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"Say what?" Dental Students Learn High-pitched Drills Double the Risk of Hearing Loss Among Dentists

When Natalie Newton was a dental student at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, she worried about damaging her hearing as she and other students operated high-pitched handpieces (often referred to as drills) while they practiced fixing teeth.

Author Deborah Sherman | Publish Date August 31, 2021
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Patient Care    Faculty    Public Health

Sleepless and Sick

When John was in the hospital last month getting ready to have open heart surgery, he felt exhausted. It wasn’t just from his damaged heart. John couldn’t get enough sleep. As soon as he dozed off in the evenings, at least three medical professionals woke him up to take blood, deliver medicine and ask questions. John wondered why they couldn’t all come at once and let him get some rest. As it turns out, he’s not alone in that idea.

Author Deborah Sherman | Publish Date May 20, 2021
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Labor of Love: CU Nursing Celebrates Nurse Midwifery Week

“I love being pregnant. When I say that to most women, they look at me as if I’m crazy,” said expectant mother Abby Zamora. For Zamora who is on her fifth pregnancy, having babies is the “most wonderful experience.” And that’s why she decided to become a surrogate. “I wanted to do this for another family,” said Zamora.

Author Dana Brandorff | Publish Date October 02, 2020
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CBD and the elderly – what you need to know

Products containing cannabidiol (CBD) have infiltrated the market, including lotions, creams, smoothies, coffee and alcohol. CBD has been touted as a sleep aid, pain remedy and effective treatment for cancer-related side effects. What is CBD and how does it affect you? Is it really a miracle drug or is that just hype?

Author Guest Contributor | Publish Date November 01, 2019
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